Best Affiliate Program For Making Recurring Revenue

The Best Affiliate Program For Making Recurring Revenue For Beginners – Are you looking for a program that is ready to welcome you to create and build up your own solid online business?

If you’re looking for the best way to start working from home and create your own online business, you might have heard already about the benefits of Affiliate Marketing as the best way to create a business from home or from anywhere.

The Best Affiliate Program For Making Recurring Revenue For Beginners

Best Affiliate Program For Making Recurring RevenueThis Program Has Many Highlights

  • Free Websites
  • Free hosting for premium members
  • Free SSL for your website
  • Weekly Live Training
  • 24/7 support through chat, classroom, blog posts
  • You can contact the owners via private message and they will reply to you
  • Comments platform that will help you to get comments on your website from other members

You always can sign up for a free trial to get familiar to the platform and program and then you can upgrade your membership to Premium, getting all the benefits to help you to learn more and to help you to grow your website into an online business.

Yes, this is a paid membership site, which means it will be a recurring payment for you.

In a hurry? Create your free membership here!

The Best Affiliate Program For Making Recurring Revenue

As you’re already interested to build up your own online business, you might be interested to work on Affiliate Marketing on your website.

Affiliate Marketing is today one of the best ways to start an online business to create a full income from it. So let’s take a look to why this is the best opportunity to work on for you.

Free Starter Account

As you promote this platform on your site, you don’t need to make any sales on your website, you’ll be sending your audience to the platform where everything is ready to welcome them as they create their free account.

Many of your readers will sign up to the free membership to take a look to what this platform is and how it works, many of them will give themselves the opportunity to sign up for the membership, according to the program 1 in 8 go on Premium membership.

Recurring Payment

As this is a paid membership site, you get paid as long as your referrals stays in the program as a member, as they learn how to start and build their own online business, they will stay there for years.

Your Payout Can Be Up To $ 175 Yearly Recurring Sign Up

When you stay on the platform working on your website, your referrals will sign up for a Premium membership, they can make monthly or yearly payment, you will be paid every month and your payout will depend on if your referrals stay as a free member or if they decided to go Premium members.

Best Affiliate Program For Making Recurring RevenueThe different membership:

  • Free starter membership $0.
  • First month membership $ 19.
  • After the first special month membership, Premium members pay $ 49.
  • Yearly membership is $359.

As a starter member (free membership) you get payed for your referrals:

  • $4 for special first month membership
  • $11.25 for monthly recurring
  • $87.50 for yearly recurring

As a Premium member (paid membership) you get pay for your referrals:

  • $8 for special first month
  • $23.50 for monthly recurring
  • $175 for yearly recurring

You get paid 100 % more than as a free member.

Your Audience Is Ready To Follow You

As you’re already interested to work on the Money Making Niche, your website is already on this niche and your audience follows you and this is a great opportunity to offer them a good product where they can also create a website and build an online business.

Great Affiliate Marketing Program

Best Affiliate Program For Making Recurring RevenueThe platform has a great Affiliate Marketing program that will help you to grow your online business, whether you already have your own website or if you’re interested in creating a new website to promote this product.

You always can sign up for the FREE membership and take the 10 first lessons of the program.

As a Premium member (paid member) you’ll get access to the rest of the training that will guide you step by step to create a solid online business.

You also will get access to the weekly training with Jay, who is in charge to help all the members to grow their website with the best training you can find today on the top topics to grow a website.

Be Part Of This Great Community

Nothing will help you more to build up a solid online business than being a part of a community of same minded entrepreneurs.

You’ll be able to make connections with other online entrepreneurs as they are always willing to share their expertise.


This company has been around 14 years helping online entrepreneurs to start and to grow their online business on Affiliate Marketing in their platform. The owners are always looking to improve the platform to help everyone to grow their businesses

You’ll be part of this great community, it’s a safe platform to start and to grow your online business, there are rules that will help you to be safe (you’re not allow to pitch your own product or service) and this makes a safe environment for everyone who wants to create a website as an online business.

Best Affiliate Program For Making Recurring RevenueIs This Online Program For You?

  • Are you serious about creating an Affiliate Marketing Website as your own online business?
  • Are you ready to learn and to work on your website?
  • Are you looking to be part of this same minded community?
  • Are you looking for a platform that is ready to provide you with the best hosting platform, support and the training to help you to grow your affiliate marketing business promoting this program?

Does this sound good for you?

Check it out!

I’ll be there to welcome you and if you have any question, I’ll be happy to give you a hand

If you want to know more about Wealthy Affiliate, just click here!