How To Create YouTube Videos For Beginners

When you learn How To Create YouTube Videos For Beginners for your business, your website will get more traffic and your business will get more sales!

With over 1.8 billion monthly visitors YouTube has become the second largest website in the world, the first one as you might well know is Google.

Both are the best platforms you can use to help your business to grow, generation X, Y, millennial and baby boomers watch videos every day with the goal to find some information or to learn a new skill.

Your online business might be focused to help people to solve a particular problem or to help others to learn a new skill, then starting a YouTube channel will be a good idea.

How To Create YouTube Videos For Beginners

What is the secret to grow a YouTube channel for your online business?

I’m sure you have heard or read about popular YouTubers who have become influencers and they are making a full income sharing their videos with display ads. Some of them started their channel without the goal to become popular, but as they kept sharing videos and inspiring people on their niche or helping other to solve a problem their videos became viral and with it they learned how to share more videos with ads and the result was they ended with a nice online business.

You might not want to become the next popular YouTube, but you might want to help your business to grow to get enough traffic where your website can turn into a nice income source.

YouTube has become not only a platform where you can watch funny videos or listen to some music, it has become one of the best tools any online marketer can use to get traffic to his or her website. You need to know your targeted client and make the videos they are looking for so your website will get the traffic.

You have to learn how to create your own website and how to write content, but you might know little about how to create a video to share on YouTube, on this post I will share some of the steps I follow to create my videos to help me to get the traffic to my website to generate an income for me.

How To Create YouTube Videos For Beginners

1. Record Your Own Videos.

Nowadays it’s not difficult to record yourself talking or showing how to do something, all you need is to take your cell phone and start recording a video, and there are many cell phones that will help you to make good quality videos. You can start this way and get enough confidence by making a few videos before you start your own YouTube channel to share the videos with your client.

You don’t need to be a super star to record great videos, be yourself and share what you love to do, your client will find you and they will follow you when you’re authentic and help them to solve a problem, or to learn something.

If you want to get serious about your YouTube channel and grow your audience, as a second step to record great quality videos you will need a better camera, a microphone that records high quality sound, and a room with a set of lights.

To create your own YouTube channel will require some easy steps to follow, you can watch this video here:

2 – Record Screen-Casts.

Not all the videos need to be videos from you telling your audience how to make or do something, if you’re shy to be on camera, don’t worry, you can also record screen-cast.

There are different types of videos to share on YouTube, there’s a huge demand to learn how to do something on a computer, how to create a website or how to develop a digital product, for all these type of online business, you don’t need to be in front of the camera telling your audience the steps to follow to do something,

They want to follow the steps you do, to do something on your computer.

To make this type of videos is simple and it won’t take long for you to learn how to do it, you can use it’s a software easy to install in your computer and is easy to work with, however there are many other software to record screen-cast available.

3 – Share Animated Videos.

Another great way to make great content videos to your audience is animated videos. I’m sure you have watched many of them, this type of videos can share valuable information in an easy and compressible way with your audience.

The idea of making videos with a whiteboard with cartoons, writing your ideas and adding some music to them, might sound like a challenge for anyone!

Sparkol make it easy for you, the platform is ready for you to sign up (only $12 monthly fee) and you will learn how to make your own animated videos to share on your YouTube channel. You sign up for 7 FREE days try!

Business Tip: You can learn how to make this type of videos and start your own career as a freelancer making this type of videos for bloggers.


4 – Hire A Freelancer To Make Videos For Your Business.

There’s always the possibility to hire a freelancer to make the videos your business needs to grow, you always can outsource the content for your business.

It might cost your from a few dollars or some good money for each video, as the cost of a video can go from $100 up to $1000.

You can always sign up to and find a graphic designer who can make a video for you for $5.

Well, you already got your video and now it’s time to create your own YouTube channel and start sharing your videos on it.

How to set up the SEO for your new video.

When you create a new post for your blog, you need to work on the SEO to make it easy for your client to find you, you took the time to find the best keyword for your new post and you already learned how to work on the SEO and your website is already getting traffic because you did a good job on it.

Well, the same happens with videos, you also need to take a minute or two while your video is getting downloaded on your YouTube channel.

How To Create YouTube Videos For Beginners

There’re a few easy steps to follow:

With many youtubers on the same niche as you, there will be many videos about the same topic, you need to pay attention on a few elements and this will benefit your new video to get views.

When you create a new content for your blog, Google ranks it on its search results, when you download a new video on YouTube, it ranks your new video on its own search results, so there’s no guaranties that your new video will get tons of views the first day or within the first hours.

It takes time and good work to make your YouTube channel ranking on the first places.

When you make a new video and you want to download it to YouTube, be sure you rename the video before:

How To Create YouTube Videos

Upload a video to YouTube is easy and while the video is downloading into your channel, take the time to write the title for the new video and add the keyword on the title, remember to write a catchy title.

You can write also a description about your video, by adding it, you’ll help YouTube to understand better what is your video about, add your video keywords in the description.

YouTube also use tags, to help people to find the video they’re looking for easier, you can add a few tags on each video on your channel, use some keywords also as tags.

How To Create YouTube Videos

Link your new YouTube video to your site.

People will watch your videos and they will want to read more about you or your products and services, you can add your website link on the video description, this way you will drive the traffic to your website.

Share your video on your Social Media.

The more people know about your YouTube channel, the more chances you’ll get of getting more view and people will know you and your product, be sure every time you get a new video on your channel you share it on your website and on your Social Media.

How To Create YouTube Videos For BeginnersMake it easy for your followers and clients to find your new video!

Be social and ask them to share your video on their Social Media.

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If you want to learn more about how to start your own online business, checkout my #1 recommendation.