7 Best Ways To Make Money From Your Passion

Today many are looking for a way to switch their jobs for a way to work from home, after spending a few weeks during the quarantine, we all have learned that we can work from home, whether you’re happy or not with your current job, you might be wondering about how to turn something you love to do or make into a way to make money, today I will share the 7 Best Ways To Make Money From Your Passion

Benefits Of Your Own Online Business

7 Best Ways To Make Money From Your Passion - Woman Holding MoneyStarting low cost

  • Time freedom
  • Financial freedom – Whether you make all the money you always wished to make or not, you can create a way to start making money from something you love to do and on your own directions
  • Work from anywhere – You will have the freedom to choose where you want to live or wherever you want to work from, from a new country, from the city or from the country. You don’t need to be all the time in one place to do your work.
  • Be Yourself – An online business will give you the big opportunity to work on your own business being yourself.

What Is The Best Online Business Model For Your Business?

1 – Start Your Own Blog

Are blogs something that worked in the past?

I don’t think so, blogs are still working great and many people are working on their own blog to make a new career. Not because almost everyone has their own blog, you lost your chance, no, it might be competitive, but you always can work to share what you do and how you do it to build a strong community around you, your brand and your blog.

People are happy to find someone that is willing to share their passion and help them to be better at it, at the beginning it might look like its hard work to do.

Create a blog and write content for it to help it to grow and build a strong community around it, as you work on it, you will see how your audience grows and your blog gets some traffic.

  • Work on creating value content for your blog at the beginning, then when your traffic grows, it will be the time to start thinking about the first way to monetize it.
  • Add Ads On Your Blog

You can apply to get some ads on your blog, in case you get accepted you can start displaying some ads on your blog and start making money from it.


  • An easy way to start making money from your blog.


  • Some bloggers can get eager to make money from ads and their blogs might look very messy and this will scare our readers from your blogs. I have visited some blogs where I see ads here and there and its hard to find some information from the blog. I don’t come back to read those blogs anymore.

2 – Start Your Own Podcast

  • Add ads on your podcast to share with your audience the benefits of using a product or a service
  • Get some sponsors, as your podcast gets a bigger audience, some people will get interested to get in touch with you so to sponsor you and talk about a product or a service.
  • Share affiliate links, as a complement to help your audience you can start talking about certain products to help your audience to solve a problem or to be better at something, and you can make some money earning the affiliate commission.

3 – Create Online Courses

You have been working to learn to do something you love to do for weeks, months, and even during many years, you have become a master and you love to share what you love to do with others, it’s time for you to make some money from it.

As you have been working on sharing some content on your blog, your audience has grown into a good number of followers, they will be happy to get some more information that will help them to be better at what they love to do, they have been learning from you some new ways to do from your blog.

Your audience will be happy to know they can keep learning more from you when they can buy an online course where you will tell them a new way to do something or a different way to do something new.

You can work to create a few lessons to explain the steps to follow to help them to learn a new skill, people will be happy to get a way to be better at it.

The good side of making an online curse is that you will be working one time to make it and you can sell it over and over without your being there to explain each lesson to new students, but you will get paid every time someone is interested on buying your course.


  • Create a passive income – Many people are starting to work on this business model as they only need to work hard once and your online course can be sold many times.
  • As you create your first online course, your audience will let you know if they are ready for more


  • Be Sure To stand our from the rest – You need to find what is the added value you’re bringing to your audience, as many people are working on this, you will find there might be already be online courses on the topic you are thinking on, don’t worry, there’s always a place for one more, just be sure you will be the best option on your niche

4 – Coaching and Counsulting

  • By the hour – You can get paid for the time you spend helping someone to do better at something for the time you spend talking on a video call with that person.
  • Coaching Course – You can create an online course to help people interested to learn from you an online course that will help them to go from point A to point B, with one or two sessions of video calls to be in touch with you solving some particular problems or to answer some questions about the topic of the course.


  • You will start small, but as you get known your price can go higher


  • You need to work one-to-one, and your time might be pricey and some people will not be able to afford it.
  • You only can work one client at a time.

5 – Become a Freelancing

When you’re good at something, people will be willing to hire you to do a job or a project for them, it will depend on what you do, you can start making money doing projects for other people

  • Graphic design
  • Lettering
  • Photography
  • Writer
  • Copywriting
  • Web design
  • Marketing
  • Anything you love to do, there will be always someone that will hire you to do a job or a project for their business.

However, as any other of the ways to make money, working to make money as freelancing has its own pros and cons.


  • You get paid by every project you do
  • You can get more commissions as people get to know you, they will recommend you to their friends or other people they know
  • You can set up your prices, the better you are at it, your price can be higher and people will be willing to pay your price


  • You need to work on every order you get
  • This is not a business model where you can work once and get paid many times.

6 – Sell Info-Products

Today selling info-products has become a well established way to make money online, no matter what your passion is about, you always can create an info-product to help others to learn to do something.

  • E-books
  • Self editing books

Start creating a small e-book to share a few things you do when you’re working on your passion, it doesn’t matter if you love to make crafts, cooking or marketing, you know your niche and you know what your audiences pain points or problems are.

Create an e-book to share some knowledge to make a start, price it low, let’s say $7, and when you see how your audience reacts to it, you will get some feedback to know what your audience things about your first e-book, then you can create a second one to share a certain way to do something or to help them to solve another type of problem. Price it a little higher this time.

Soon, you can create a small or big collection of info-products and you will get your online business running.

A good example of these type of business could be the cooking niche, where you can create a few e-books about cooking recipes or the crafts niche, where people can create e-books to share the way to do something.


  • You can start small, create your beta product and test the waters, ask for feedback and create a second e-book for your audience.
  • You work once and you can sell each info-product over and over again – Somethings won’t change, cooking, crafts, or other niches have on e-books or info-products a good way to start making money from their passion
  • You don’t need to find an editor, you can create an info-product from home and start selling it in a day or two!
  • A good way for you to be known by your audience – An info product is in many cases the opening door to bigger products for many businesses.


  • I really don’t find any cons to mention here, but I will say if you’re in a niche where things change fast, you will need to work on creating new e-books as things change on your niche.

7 – Affiliate Marketing

At last but not the least, Affiliate Marketing, a way to monetize your blog by sharing valuable information about a topic, whether to help to solve a problem or to help others to be good at something.

When you blog to share your passion, you will be talking about the way to do something, no matter if you talk about cooking, some craft making or about some sport. You might be talking about tools or equipment you use.

People will thank you for sharing what tools or what equipment you used to get some good results, this way when you talk about something you used to make something, you can share a link where other people can purchase it. This is what is called affiliate marketing.

As your blog grows and it gets more traffic, you’ll be helping many to be better at something, they will be purchasing tools or equipment you recommend and you will get a % of each purchase.


  • Easy way to start monetizing your blog
  • It works great
  • It’s helping many bloggers to make a full income from it


  • I might say I don’t find a con to talk about, it works great, and you can learn how to work on it.

My #1 recommendation here is to take the same training I did 5 years ago and today I’m making a full income from it!

Closing thoughts

A blog is a good way to share with many about your passion, as you learn how to blog, you will learn what is the best way to start making money from it.

When you think about the hard moments many are going through this year, many people are looking for a way to work from home and to be more independent from a job.

Create a blog to make a full income from it has a learning curve, but when you have a training where you can learn all you need, you can start working on it from day one!

Are you ready to start working on a blog to make money from your passion?

Get the free training and start your own blog today!

7 Best Ways To Make Money From Your Passion

7 Best Ways To Make Money From Your Passion