Paparazzi Jewelry MLM Review

No doubt at all, women love jewelry, and this niche is growing year by year, there are many chances for you to start your own business in this niche, but you want to know if joining an MLM company selling jewelry to your friends and family members is a good way to make some money from it, so let’s take a look to my Paparazzi Jewelry MLM Review.

First, I want to congratulate you for taking the time to know more about this company before you sign up with them, getting to know the pros and cons from one MLM company might save you a headache and lots of time.

Name: Paparazzi Jewelry

Founder: Misty Kirby and Chana Reeve

Type of business: Jewelry and accessories MLM

Price: $ 99 starter kit

Best for: If you’re looking to make some extra money selling jewelry

What Is Paparazzi Jewelry?

Paparazzi Jewelry MLM Review - NecklacePaparazzi Jewelry is another company selling their products under the MLM (Multi Level Marketing) system.

Their products are jewelry in many different styles, they believe in having a range variety of products where the clients can pick their favorites and with some new collections during the year, they help their consultants to have more sales.

This company started on 2013 and it has grown fast, what makes this company unique from the rest of its class is to have a good selection of products with a very affordable price.

Is Paparazzi Product Worth The Price?

You can find a good variety of jewelry pieces at very affordable prices, almost all products have a straight price of $5.

Most of the products are necklace and earrings sets. When we talk about the product quality, I think your clients will understand it when they buy jewelry products at $5 piece.

When you and your customer understand that quality is what makes this company to stand out from the rest in this niche, you might need to focus on the price tag to get more sales.

Paparazzi Jewelry Business Opportunity

As any other MLM company, people who sign up to become a consultant with this company have two ways to make money from it

  • Sales commissions
  • Team commissions (recruit people to your team)

When you decide to sign up to this company to start your business selling these products, you need to find a consultant and that person will add you to its team, this might be a little frustration for you as you need to find a consultant in your area.

Once you find a consultant and you sign up to this company, the next step will be to buy a starter kit.

  • $99 Preview Pack – 35 pieces of jewelry with retail value of $ 175
  • $299 Small Home Party Kit – 120 pieces of jewelry with a retail value of $600
  • $499 Large Home Party Kit – 200 pieces of jewelry with a retail value of $1000

The kit options go from $99 to $ 499, but each kit comes with some jewelry pieces that will give you a profit when you get some sales.

The compensation plan in this company is easy to understand, and you can start making some money from it as you get some product sales, but the key is to build up your team and get the people in your team to make some sales.

As you get more people in your team, you can get up to 45% on commissions.

But lets point out one thing here, when thinking about making money selling jewelry products at $5 pieces, you will need to get a big number of sales in order to make some money from it.

One thing to mention is most of your sales will come from house parties, and you will be showing your current jewelry stock and you can deliver to your customer the products they buy at the party. This way your client doesn’t need to wait for you to order the product and deliver it to them later.

However, as you get the product from this company in bulk, if you get stuck with some pieces, it will be hard for you to turn them into a profit. You need to think about all this before you sign up to start your own business with this company.

You can take a look to the compensation plan here

Paparazzi Jewelry Pros

  • Low price product
  • Good % on commission

Paparazzi Jewelry Cons

  • Need to get product sales
  • Hosting House Parties – As many other MLM companies, you will need to get some people interested on hosting a party where you can show the product to this person family members and friends and get some sales from it, hosting house parties will be tons of work for you, from getting some new parties to host in your agenda, to organize everything, and you need to think about getting some food and drinks for people attending it, all of this means a cost from you, and you will get no pay for your time, work and money you put into hosting a party.
  • Low Price Product – When thinking of starting your own business, you need to consider getting some sales, when most of the products have a price tag of $5, you need to think on big numbers to make some money from it.
  • Recruiting new people to your team – When a company works on the MLM system, you will need to focus on getting new people to sign up to work with you, this will lead to more work, time and money, to lead and motivate your team.

Is Paparazzi Jewelry A Scam?

After spending some time reading about the business opportunity with Paparazzi Jewelry, I can say this company is legit, it has a product in a good niche, after all being a woman I can tell you women love to buy jewelry always!

But selling jewelry with a low price tag, will be hard for you to make some real income from it, I believe you can find a better option to start your own business on this niche.

You can read also Vantel Pearls, Origami Owl, Stella And Dot.

Paparazzi Jewelry MLM Review - NecklaceFinal Thoughts

When you love jewelry and you want to start your own business selling it, you might think signing up to an MLM company will be a good start, but after reading what it is all about, and when you know that you will be making only a % from your sales, it might be not looking as good as they promised it to be.

A better option to start your own business selling jewelry is to start your own website and work with affiliate marketing, you can promote jewelry products you love and you don’t need to be attached just to one brand, there are many products you can promote on a website and build up a loyal audience to start making a full income from it.

If you’re a beginner or if you have been blogging for a while without monetizing your blog, you can sign up to the FREE 10 lesson affiliate marketing online course and start building up your own online business!

I will share the same 4 steps I follow to make a full income from it!