Today more and more people find their way to write a blog as a way to work from home, whether they have already a business or they find blogging is the new way to create a profitable business, everyone should learn how to write a blog post to convert leads into customers.
Write Blog with a Goal
Don’t just add more content on your blog hopping your customer will find you, and wait for that to happen, every time you want to write a blog post you need to take your time to plan it to be part of a whole: your business.
If your product or service will help your customer to solve out a problem or it will help them to create a better life for them, you can write your content with the benefits your audience will get by buying or using your product or service, let them know how you can help them.
Learn to write your blog content that your audience will love to read.
Know your audience
When you’re writing your blogs new content you should have your audience in your mind, take a minute to think about them, how your new blog post can help them to create a better life.
As you write content for your blog, read and pay attention to the comments you get, by doing this you’ll know more about who your client is and what they are looking for on your product or service, every blog post should be an experience and not only a text to read.
Understand that your customers who read your blog are in early research stages of the buying process, so you might not get an automatic sale, you need to keep in your mind to write your content to help them to get the information they need to make an educated decision.
6 things that should be in every blog post
Catchy titles.
On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar –David Ogilvy
The main question of any blogger nowadays is how to get their customers to read what they write for their blogs, it takes time to learn how to write great value content that invites your customer to read more from you, but most of all a catchy title will keep your readers on your blog.
Your blog post title needs to be considered as important as it is, the title is where your attention should be. Every time you take your time to sit down to write a new article for your blog you should keep your customer in your mind and ask this question: is this what I want to read on?
Use Images in Your Post – Make it visually appealing
It doesn’t matter how much time and work you put on writing a blog post if your post is not visually appealing your customer will not stay long enough to read it and to know more about your product.
Don’t miss the chance to keep your customer on your website, use a picture or an image that catches your customers mind within the first 15 second after he or she lands on your website.
Be sure you build up a website that is clean and simple, with easy-to-read-text, design your blog easy to navigate where your customer can find everything at first sight.
Add one or two images to every post on your blog, as large text tend to scare readers away.
Use H2 and H3
As you write your new content for your blog, be sure to break out your content in small chunks, add subtitles and keep your costumer interested to read more.
Your customer will read your article in less than 30 seconds, and your subtitles can help you to keep them on your blog, be sure to highlight the benefits of your product or service with the subtitles.
Use H2 and H3 in your subtitles, by doing this you’re also helping your blog to rank better on search engines such as Google, Yahoo or Bing, when your costumer is typing a question realated to your niche, there will be more probabilities that your article will match their search and your blog will come up in the first page and why not on first place.
Fill out the title and meta description 
After you finish writing your content, before you publish it, be sure you check twice on your title and be sure you followed all my previous tips on how to write a catchy title for your audience, then scroll down and fill up the meta description of your blog post.
Less than 160 words, a small phrase that can give your reader a clear view of what your content is about and promise of how it will solve a problem or how it will give him or her a promise.
Use links to older blog post -internal links
Don’t forget to get some internal links in your post, by doing this you help your audience to know more about your niche and you business or you can share also more articles on your post that will help your audience to create a better life for them.
As you add some internal links on your article, you help you audience to stay longer on your blog, by doing this your blog gets more credibility for the search engines and it will rank better.
If you write your blog post without giving your costumer a takeaway at the end of your content, you’re missing a great opportunity.
When you plan your content you should set a goal for every post, it will depend on the lengh of your content that you can add one, two or even three CTA (call to action), this can be tricky as you need to learn how to add it without being too sales-y or pushy while you are still being clear about your message.
Your CTA can be personalized to match your blog and business, you can also use some tools to create the best CTA to place in your blog content.
You can use also a well written phrase or small text at the end of your content as a CTA.
Most of the business nowadays use a blog to get close to their customers, as you learn to blog you’ll learn more about your audience and how to write your content to get them to read your articles, it’s important to plan your content with a goal in your mind.
If you want to learn more about the art of blogging and start working from home you can join for the 10 lessons free course at Wealthy Affiliate today.
You have done a get job at explaining to newer bloggers on how to engage with their audience. I definitely learned more tips reading this article then I have any other articles in a minute. Great attention to detail, and awesome website. With enough hard work, anything is possible. Thanks for the site.
Hi Ryan,
Thanks so much for your visit to my blog and your kind comment. I’m glad to know you find this post helpful to new bloggers, you’re right when you say there’s so much to learn when you start to write a blog to make a living from it.
Good work and time will lead to any new blogger to success.
Take care and keep at it.
Hi there
I have written many blog posts but they are not getting many views and are not appearing in the first page of google, some are quite lengthy articles with pictures, meta descriptions and catchy titles but no luck yet.
Maybe it will take more time but have you got any article that are ranking on the first page of google and if so do you mind sharing it so i can see what you are doing to get these results
Thanks so much for your visit and taking the time to write a comment.
I haven’t write yet a blog post that got viral, as you can see my blog is still young, but my advice to you would be to keep at it, keep writing content for your blog with your audience in your mind, think about what problems they have and how you can help them to solve a particular problem or make their lives better.
Share your content on Social Media, and check if you find some other bloggers on your niche who could be interested to write a guest blog or to link to each other blogs, this will help you to get noticed by your audience.
Even if things don’t look too good for you, keep at it, there’s many stories of successful bloggers who wanted to quit and then in a few months of work their websites and blogs got known by their audience and today they are a success!
What a great common sense step-by-step approach to writing great blog content!
It is most definitely essential to know my audience. For example, I don’t want to be writing about a galaxy far, far away when my readers are interested in “how to bake a peanut butter cake!”
I think that having a catchy title is so important. It’s like a calling card that is needed to excite the reader and nudge them into clicking on the link to my blog with the excitement to read more!
Using relevant images and large headers (at least H3) are extremely important to break up the text into easy-to-follow sections while adding a bit of white space so the page doesn’t look too cluttered.
Even though I religiously try to add internal links and a call to action, the one thing I always seem to forget, in my rush to publish, is the ever necessary meta title and meta description. I usually fix them as I periodically re-visit my pages for a proof reading.
Very comprehensive blog, Ale!