5 SEO Mistakes Beginners Make

The 5 SEO Mistakes Beginners Make, when I started to blog, I didn’t have any idea about Search Engine Optimization and I need to accept that my first website failed because of the poor knowledge I had about it!

  • Writing content for everyone and about everything!
  • No one read my blog!
  • Put a lot of work for months with poor results!

Have you been in this situation? Are you starting to blog just because you see often on the internet many bloggers who are making tons of money and their blogs have become their full time business and they can make a living from their blogs?

You can find many will tell you about the benefits of blogging and starting your website to make money from it, but you might not find good information about how to make it happen!

Professional bloggers and people who are working on their website to make a living from it, know well the importance of knowing about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and the benefits of doing it right.

5 SEO Mistakes Beginners Make - Girl with A LaptopWhen you learn the basic of SEO, you will see your website (blog) will start to get some visitors and as you keep working to creating new content, you will see the traffic will increase more and more every day!

What is a reality for many bloggers who have learned to work with the right SEO steps and tricks, can be a headache for new bloggers, but if you take some time to learn the basic, you won’t need to hire an expert to do this job for you, and you’ll be saving a lot of money.

So let’s take a look at The 5 SEO Mistakes Beginners Make.

Using No Specific Keywords

1 – The first task you need to have when writing new content for your website is to have a good idea about what Keyword you will be using.

You can’t write new content for many topics, you don’t want to please everyone in the world, you need to know your website needs to be focused on a niche and you need to talk to people who are in that niche and want some help to solve a problem or to be better at something.

When you keep working to create new content for your website, you can get information on Google Analytics and Search Console to know more about what content is getting read by your audience, this way you can learn about what type of content your audience is looking to read from you.

Not Having Unique Titles On Your Content

2 – There’s a lot of content on the internet on every niche, and you need to stand out from the rest to rank on page # 1.

Your readers are looking for your help to be better at something or to solve a problem they want to read content that will help them.

Does your content title have some benefits for your readers:

  • Healthy food to cook in less than 30 minutes
  • Online jobs to work from home

– Keyword + a benefit!

Not Writing The Right Meta Description

3 – How many times I read some blogs titles on the internet and no meta description, nothing, nada, rien!

How people interested on reading about a topic will know what is your post about, if you don’t take your time to add a meta description. This is a step you can’t afford to miss!

It will take you a few minutes to write in a few words about what is your new post about, and how it will benefit your audience.

5 SEO Mistakes Beginners Make - Meta Description

Missing To Use The Right Anchor Text For Internal Links

4 – How many times you have read a blog post and the author shares some internal links on it with an anchor text like : here!

You’re missing the chance to share more information to your readers about what is about the internal link and you’re also missing the chance to help Google to understand your niche.

When you provide accurate information for Google to understand your niche better, and your website, you will see some good magic happening to your website, our good friend Google will open the doors and will allow your website to rank # 1, then you will see tons of traffic on your website!

Creating Poor Value Content

4 – Starting a website as a hobby is OK if you’re not interested to do it as a way to make a full income from it, but in case you’re interested to work on your website as your own online business, you better do it right.

Beginners will start working on their website where they are, it’s a long path to walk for many and some will do it in a shorter time.

Everybody will get to know the Do’s and Don’t s as they work in their websites, as you keep at it, you will be happy to learn many steps to work on the right SEO and you will see how well your website will be working for you.

But one thing is important, you need to create valuable content for your readers, you need to provide help for them, take your time to learn about how to create value content for your website if you’re starting to create a new website.

If you already have a website with poor traffic, it’s time to start working on it in a different way, after all your website has already sometime and Google knows about it, start working with the right content for it and do your work on the right SEO steps and you will see how well your website will start working for you!

5 SEO Mistakes Beginners Make - Girl with A LaptopNot Taking Your Time To Lean

5 – Everyone who is interested to work on a website as a way to make a full income from it, should take their time to learn the basic SEO training, as you work on it you will see the benefits of working on a website with the right SEO on it.

As you keep getting the benefits of having a website that gets a good amount of organic traffic, you can learn more about more advanced SEO techniques to make your website work nice and smooth.

You can read also: How To Become A SEO Expert

Final Thoughts

Every person who wants to start working from home with a website, will learn sooner or later the steps to follow to create valuable content for your website and learning about what SEO mistakes to avoid, will help you to get the good results you’re expecting to have.

Don’t leave anything to the good fortune, and do it right from now on! Learn the basics of SEO and you will see the magic happens in your website!

Do you want to learn my 4 step system to create your own online business?

5 SEO Mistakes Beginners Make

4 thoughts on “5 SEO Mistakes Beginners Make”

  1. These are very minor mistakes that anyone can forget very easily but I must say that you have pointed them out well here. Thank you so much for sharing this post here. To be honest, I really fancy this a lot. I can resonate with them well because I erred in like two of them especially the keywords not being specific enough during my earlier days into marketing. Thank you

    • Hi Ella

      Yes, as newbies we all make some SEO mistakes often, even me, but as you keep working on we keep working on our websites we’ll learn hot to do SEO right, 

      Keep at it!

  2. Hello there! Thanks for sharing this with me, it’s very useful for me. This will help me working the part that I often make mistakes as a newbie in online business which is “Not Having Unique Titles On my Content”, I find it hard to select the right title all the time. 

    I just hope this tips right here will help me outta this problem. Thanks!

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