Best 20 Ways To Make Extra Money From Home

What do you think about the idea that you could Be Making Money while you sleep, while your spending quality time with your family, or while you do some think for your hobby?

Best 20 Ideas To Make Money From Home

That sounds great, but you might be asking yourself, what exactly is a passive income?

Wikipedia gives the definition for Passive income as that income in which the income resulting from cash flow received on a regular basis, and it requires minimal to no effort from the person to work on it every day.

With that definition, you can think about those early ways to create a passive income, that you might be familiar with, house or property rental.

A few years ago, or I should say in the old times, when a man could work hard and save some money, he could think about getting a second house and put it on the market to make an extra money on it. Month after month and year after year, that man could make some extra money from that house.

If that man was wise to save some money from his work and from his property rental, in a few years he could make some good money from that “first way of passive income”

Many of us might be familiar with the passive income history, and many of us might know about some people who could make good amount of money in this method.

This way of making extra money still works fine in many countries, what doesn’t work good for many people is the way to save enough money to buy the first property to start making money with it.

And if I talk about buying some properties and put them on rental to make an income from it, well, that is a different topic, and it’s a different business of what I want to talk about today.

Rich Dad, Poor Dad.

On this book, if you haven’t had the opportunity to read, Robert Kiyosaki tells you about the way to work in a smart way to start making some extra money. rich dad poor dad

He explains pretty well how a person who has a regular job will never reach the possibility to make a fortune, as this person needs to work day after a day to make an income.

But if this person find the way to save some money to buy that first property to start making some extra money, or to start a business to make some extra money, there’s more possibilities for this person that within a period of time and working smart, will make some wealth from it.

Forms of passive income.

Now that you know what is a passive income, we can talk about how you can start making money from home.

More and more people hear about it, and would like to figure out what do they need to do to start making some extra money, is it real?, does it really work OK?, can you really make some money?

20 Ideas to make money from home

So let’s talk about new forms to make a passive income while you work on your regular job.

Start a blog

Starting a blog or a website with the idea to monetize it has become the most popular way to make some extra money.

Many people have found the right way to blog and they own successful online business on their blogs.

It doesn’t happen as magic, and if someone has promised you that it will happen the next day you start your blog, I’m afraid I need to tell you that the probabilities that this happens this way are small.

You will need to work hard and smart to make it happen, you will need to spend some time learning the A, B and C and even the Z of this type of business.

Many things are involved in it, but you can do it, and I have no doubt of it.

More and more people are achieving their goals with this type of business, and making a good stream of passive income as they work on their blogs.

Once they learn how to do it, with one way at a time, they find another way to make some more extra money from their blogs.

It can be hard to find the way your blog will start making money at the beginning as not all blogs are the same, you might need to try one way at a time, if the first system doesn’t work good for you, don’t get discouraged by this, try the next one on your list.

Some blogs were small at the beginning and their owners started them with one way to make money in their minds and when it didn’t work they found out they could make money working on a different way with the same blog.

There’s always more than one way to make money from your blog depending on the niche you pick for your blog.

As you work on your own blog, you’ll need to work on different steps to find the right niche for you, finding it will make things easier and you’ll reach the point where you can start making money from it faster.

Share your knowledge – teach what you know.

I’m pretty sure you’re good on what you do on your regular job or on your hobby, and you might want to try to start your own online business based on what you know, what you do and what you love to share with your knowledge.

Nowadays knowledge has become one of the most valuable things you can own, after some time or maybe years you have become an expert on something, we used to live in a sort of isolation a few years ago, no more, we can be in touch with others at the same time, and this can happen because of the internet.

With a just a click on our cell phone, tablets or laptop we can be in touch to anyone anywhere.

People are looking to know and learn something new everyday, one of the best examples on this topic could be learning a new language. Today you can learn or teach a new language from home for free or on a paid online course.

Is there anybody interested on learning a new language? you can bet there’s so many people interested on learning a new language every day, you just need to take a look on YouTube or on any language channel, and their followers can go from a few thousand, when a new YouTuber is growing there channel to over hundred thousand of followers when a YouTuber has more time sharing there knowledge to others.

Learning a language is just an example, you can start making money sharing what you love to do, and the list of things you can share or teach could go to a long list.

Health. This is a hot topic to start a niche today, many people would love to know how to live in a healthier way, if you know something and you have a healthy lifestyle, you can share and write great value content on your blog for your followers.

Cooking: I learned to cook when I was just a little girl, I was lucky to have a mom, a grandma and later a mother in law who used to love to cook and each one of them had great recipes to cook for a family every day.

I had three sons, but I told them to learn to cook so they could enjoy a good meal every day, and if their girlfriends don’t cook, well.. don’t worry you can cook for them. This way my sons will be able to save a lot of money and keep their girlfriends happy and their families too.

But I know many people who can’t boil water the right way to make a coffee, and we better don’t talk about cooking a Christmas meal, and they would love to learn how to cook, how to bake, and how to entertain their family and friends.

Cooking, baking, and many niches related to the cooking niche are ones where you could get lots of followers. To say the truth about it, you will face lots of competition, but if you come up with a new face and a new way to do it, I mean your own way and your own style you can hit success in a big way.


Outdoor activities: Bicycling, hiking, camping, BBQ, fishing, hunting and many more activities that everyone can do outdoor is a good niche to work on.

You love to do outdoor activities, you already know something many people will love to learn from you, do you have many great adventure stories to share… don’t wait, start that blog today!!

I would love to know what to do when I go for a walk, where to go and what kind of shoes are the best for long walks. Like me, there’s many people who would love to find out what is the best way to go for a walk and make the best of it!

DIY: This topic is a little bit broad, but you’ll find the way to focus on one subject, sewing for a family will save lots of dollars for young families, learn to decorate a home is something many people would love to learn to improve life quality, who doesn’t want to live in a nice looking home, if you hire someone to decorate your home it can cost you a fortune, why not to share some good tips about what to do to decorate a living room, a kitchen and the children’s room.

You can start a blog on this topic, write great value content on it, your followers will find you when you learn how to do the SEO for your content and when you get some daily visitors you will be working on building up a way to start making money from it.

Home renovation: Are you good doing some renovations for your home, I’m sure many people will love to learn how to repair a wall, or a bath tap, or a floor.

There’s many things we could do at home if we could know how to repair them and this will be a way to save some dollars, so if you’re good at it, I’m sure you’ll find the way to get many followers interested to know “how to do” lessons on this topic.

Hobbies: on this topic you can share what you love to do, it doesn’t matter what it is, knitting, growing indoor plants, growing orchids,  growing a garden, photography, cats, dogs, drawing, painting, sketching, journaling, scrapbooking, quilting, cars, reading, golfing, bicycling, hiking, etc.

There’s always someone interested to find a way to learn something new on something they already do or something  new today.

Are you ready to give it a try?

It doesn’t matter where you live and how young or old you are, you can do it.

All you need to start to do, it’s to get a website and write the content people are looking for, if you have been blogging for some time and you’re happy doing it, you might know something about blogging already, so you are already halfway there

But if you have not blogged before and this is a term  new for you, don’t worry, everyone, every blog you visit on the internet, we all started the same way.

Wishing to start a blog and with little knowledge about how to do it, all you need to do, it’s to follow a tutorial to learn how to do it, start a blog and start writing content. As you’re here reading this blog, you already know some computer skills, and this will help you to start your own blog.

If you want to learn how to start your own website in a professional way from the beginning you can always sign on to Wealthy Affiiate free 10 lessons course, where Kyle will walk you through on this course on what you need to know and what you should do.

By the end of this free course, you’ll have your own free website up and running with From this point you will need to keep working on your website writing content for your client, and from it you can develop on a plan to follow to sell some products or services to start making some money on the internet working from home.

Here are a list of products you can sell on the internet.

Best 20 Ways To Make Extra Money From Home

Sell an e-book, once you start to write content on your own blog, you’ll learn how to write content with intention. Finding your client and write the content your client is looking for.

As the time pass, you’ll see you already have some great content on your blog and your readers appreciate it, that is the moment to write an ebook and start selling it from your blog.


Make an online course. As you share your knowledge on your blog, you’ll find the right medium to share it, it could be an e-book, videos on YouTube or Vimeo, or podcast.

As your readers find you and your blog, you’ll be getting to know them and what kind of content they are looking for, it’s then when you’ll know they are looking to learn more from you, make an online course to sell it from your blog or website.

Selling an e-book or an online course are the most popular passive income business models for excellence these days, you’ll need to work hard while you make them, you might need to work and learn a new technique or software, but once you learn it and you get your “new” product ready to sell it on the internet, you can sell it as many times as your clients will buy it.

best ways to start making money from home passive income business model runs on the work hard first and sell it over and over again model.

That idea of product you have already on your mind, it could be the product your client is looking for!

Create some products where you can get some royalties.

Affiliate Marketing, while you write on your blog about your niche, you can share some products to improve your readers life, or to solve a problem for your readers, this way when they buy a product you recomended on your blog you’ll get a % from their buy.

How much money can you make this way on affiliate marketing, it will depend on the % you get on every sale, but the best way to start making more money with it is to have a regular traffic or visits on your blog from people interested on what you write about in your niche.

The more traffic your blog gets, more possibilities of people buying products you recommend and you’ll get more money.

The best way to work on affiliate marketing is to work and build up a niche site or authority site. Where you’ll be working to write content about your own niche, and you’ll be writing about products reviews on your niche.

For every product your client buys you’ll get a percent of it. Amazon affiliates works great on this online business model and many people are making a full income from it.

How fast can you start making money on the internet?

Every way to make money on the internet won’t happen as magic, and let me tell you and be clear here, if someone promise you that, well, it might not happen like that.

You need to learn to blog and write content.

You need to learn to write content with great value for your reader to turn them into your client.

You need to learn how the way to make money on line works, as not all the ways work the same way.

If you never learn how to work on the internet to make money, it can take you a few years working on your blog and you’ll be making some money from it, or it can happen that you’ll never be making money from it and you’ll get discouraged.

The best way to make money on the internet is to learn from someone who is already making money on the internet, someone who knows already how it works and is willing to teach you how to do it.

If you want to work hard to build up that blog or website to make a full income working from home in your free time, you need to find a mentor to follow and to learn from him or her.

Once you find him or her, learn all you need to work on, build up that blog or website following the instructions, learn the ropes of the business, and soon you will see some money rolling in to your bank account.

Four years ago, I signed up to Wealthy Affiliates, and I can tell you, I have been working on my own niche website and everyday it requires work to do, even today, but I’m starting to see some good results!

Am I going to be the next millionaire on the internet?

Well, every million earned will start with the first dollar earned, and I can tell you that I already have earned that first dollar.

Don’t miss your chance to sign up toWealthy Affiliate to learn how you can start your own niche site and make money from home, once you’re become a WA member you can read the members blogs who share every day how they work, how they write content and how they are making their first dollar, their first thousand dollars and this month we were lucky to read how Dom Wells made his first million dollars on 2017 from his website Human Proof Design, and he will be sharing every week on Wealthy Affiliate how he made it.

2018 is here now, it’s only January, by December, you can be earning some good dollars!


start your own website


Disclosure: Some of the links in the post above are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers.

2 thoughts on “Best 20 Ways To Make Extra Money From Home”

  1. I can tell you put a lot of effort into this article, because you covered a lot about how to make money from home! What I like is that you gave example of different niches in blogging or starting a website. As a teenager, I love working from home, plus I don’t need a job! This is a great way for anyone who wants to live by their own terms and with freedom. Keep up the good work, and I will come back for more knowledge!

  2. Thanks for this great article! I think you’ve provided some terrific ideas for starting your own business from home Alejandra. With the internet you have so much opportunity and I agree, it’s up to you to find the right niche (something you care about and have skills for) as well as being open to following the guidance of a mentor. I have been able to replace my income running my own home business so I encourage all of your readers to go for it!

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