Wealthy Affiliate Review 2023

My honest Wealthy Affiliate Review

I signed up to Wealthy Affiliate four years ago, I was looking to learn how to make money on the internet working from home.

I have visited a few website before where the owners of those sites said they will teach me how to do it, a promise half way sometimes and not really what I was looking for, I don’t blame them at all, as I think it wasn’t my moment to buy one of those online courses or I wasn’t ready to do them then.

I was a beginner in that time, and I wanted to learn how to do it on my own pace, 4 or 10 weeks of an online course wasn’t for me, too much to learn and I need to go on my own pace.

One night I signed up to WA 10 lesson free course took me a bit to understand how its platform works and how to go from the online course to read the community blogs, but everything inside WA is well built that it won’t take you more than 10 minutes to understand how it works and soon you will be on the Certification course taking your first class.

Wealthy Affiliate Review

Learn to grow wealth online.

One of the things that is important to say here is you sign up at Wealthy Affiliate to learn how to grow wealthy online, Kyle and Carson never promise or say they will make you rich when you sign up to it.

Everyone who sign up for a free membership will get the free 10 lesson course where you will learn what you need to understand how you can make money on the internet with the affiliate marketing system.

Learning how to start your own website for free with Siterubix.com will give you the experience to start a website with WordPress from the beginning, you will get access to some free theme to choose one for your website, and you will learn how to write content that will convert.

As you keep going on this free course, you will get the invitation to sign up to a paid membership to become a Premium member of this great community, your first month will be at half price of the regular membership price.

As you sign up to your own Premium membership, more doors will be open for you, you will get access now to the full certification course, and this time you can buy your own domain websites that will help you to build up your online business with your own brand.

Siterubix.com vs Your own domain website.

When you’re a beginner as I was, it’s hard to understand what are the benefits to get your own domain website.

Building your own online business is not an easy work to do, it will require work and time to build a solid online business that can make a full income for you within time.

When you start your website with Siterubix.com your website URL will be YOURSITENAME.Siterubix.com and you really don’t own that site, if one day something happens to Siterubix your website can vanish with it, same can happen with Blogger.com or WordPress.com

When you buy your own domain to build up your website, your website URL will be YOURSITENAME.com or .org or .net, and you own your site, whether you stay at Wealthy Affiliate to host your website or you choose another different host for your website, you own your site, you own your online business.

This is another good reason I like about Wealthy Affiliate, after I’ve been working for weeks or months and even for years building up my websites, I can buy my own domains at Wealthy Affiliate with no problem at all in 30 seconds, and I can start building my online business.

Wealthy Affiliate is a strong platform ready to host your own site, you can click here to start your own website.

There are many good reasons to join to WA and learn how to build up your own online business:

1 WA strong community

is ready to welcome you and help you to solve out any problem you can face up while you learn how to build up your first site. Wealthy Affiliate review

This community is open to help you 24/7, so no matter where are you from, you’ll find someone to help you, you only need to go to the live chat and in a few seconds you’ll get the answer you need to solve that particular problem.

Once you get your Premium membership you’ll be writing blogs to be part of this community, blogs to ask questions or blogs to share some knowledge.

Every member of this great community share their secrets to build a successful website freely!

And that is a huge point for me to stay in this community, everyday I can learn more and more about different things to keep working to build a solid online business, affiliate marketing, online business, how to create an ebook, how to get more subscribers to your email list, copy writing that sells, how to write that perfect blog post that within time will start making money for you.

2 Support Team

I won’t lie to you, there’s sometimes when you have a problem with your website, you can read about some problems on some Facebook groups or some forums on the internet.

When you host your sites with Wealthy Affiliate and one day you have a problem, you only need to send a support ticket to the Support Team, in about 30 seconds you will get their reply.

They work fast to solve out many kind of problems, have I contacted them?; sure I have, and no matter what kind of problem I had, they have helped me to solve it out in a few minutes.

This is a reason why you can focus on your website, on your online business and feel more relaxed while you work hard to build up your dream business because Wealthy Affiliate is a strong platform to host your website (s).

3 Networking.

If you’re thinking to build up your online business by yourself, you might be wrong.

It’s true that you’ll be at your home alone working to write content for your website, but you can’t build up a strong online business with no help from others entrepreneurs.

We all need a helping hand, a mentor sometimes, someone who already did that and knows what is the best way to write about this or that.

Even this community is huge (a little bit more than 800,000 members) you’ll find some members who are building their websites on the same niche as you.

They might have already some experience in that niche, some of them will share their website URL so you can visit it and learn from them, some members will keep their sites as their best secret to keep for good reasons, (I told you I was going to be honest with you, sometimes you will read these WA members who are making good money on their internet, but you’ll never know their sites) and this is OK, as you build up your website within Wealthy Affiliate you will learn the secrets and the do’s and the not to do of online business.

4 WA members share their knowledge with other members of the community. wealthy affiliate review

One thing that is great at Wealthy Affiliate is to keep “humble”, once you sign up to your Premium membership you’ll be in touch with members who are making already huge amounts of money on the internet, and they keep their websites hosted here and it’s easy to find them talking and sharing their “how to” on the live chat with everyone.

When you get your Premium membership, you don’t need to pay more here and there to learn from successful online entrepreneurs, they are here and they are willing to share with you their steps they did to reach success.

Is Wealthy Affiliate a scam?

Well if you sign up to Wealthy Affiliate thinking this is the place where you sign up and the next day you’ll see huge amounts of money cashing into your bank account, then you can think it is a scam, but WA never promise that, and I won’t either.

You need to sign up to Wealthy Affiliate to LEARN TO BUILD UP YOUR WEBSITE, to learn to build up your own online business.

You’ll be working long hours to reach success, you’ll need to work every day, every week and keep working on your website even when you reach success.

An online business is a business, and you need to keep at it every day!

So no, Wealthy Affiliate is not a scam, it’s the place where you come to learn what you need to learn and to build up that website that will make money for you.

How long do you need to work to start making money on the internet?

There’s not a right answer here, everything will depend on how you work on your own website and what niche you pick to work on.

One, two, three or six or even 10 months, I can’t give you a number here, some members had started to make money from their sites and in a month they started to make some money, some members start to make money on their sixth month and some members need more than one or two years.

But I have seen that more and more members are happy to write a blog where they share the happiness of making their first dollar, and some share that moment when they make their first 100 dollars, and this time we can read Dom Wells blogs where he is sharing how he reached his first million dollars on 2017, and he is sharing some of the steps he followed to make it happen.

Best reason to sign up to Wealthy Affiliate

When you’re ready to sign up to Wealthy Affiliate I can promise you’ll be busy learning and working on your own website (online business), I will be happy to welcome you to this great community and I’ll be happy to help you to solve out your problems while you work to build up your own online business.

You won’t be alone, you’ll have a great community to walk you through the first steps you need to work on to build up that dream online business.

I’m ready to  start my own website.

Disclosure: Some of the links in the post above are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers.

2 thoughts on “Wealthy Affiliate Review 2023”

  1. Hello there! I’m a college student and I’ve been searching for a way to earn extra money online for a while now. I heard great things about wealthy affiliate but I’m scared to do it because there’s a lot of scams online. After I read your article which is very informative and helpful I’m now confident to try it. Do you think this is a great way to earn money?

  2. Great information, thank you.
    I’ve been looking for some honest info on how to make money online, and I appreciate your very honest review.
    A lot of places seem to say it will fast and easy, but you keep it real.
    I have a WordPress blog that I use to sell motoroil. I’ve had it for about 15 years now, and it could use some help. Will I be able to use it at Wealthy Affiliate, or will I have to start from scratch?

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