Choose Your Niche Site Domain

How to Choose Your Niche Site Domain is one of the first steps to work on to build up a profitable website, it will help your readers to find and follow your website.

Learning about how to build up a profitable niche site to start working from home or from anywhere you want to be, will help you to work on the different steps to be sure you’re doing things right, and today I will share some tips that might help you find the best name (domain) for your website.

How To Choose Your Niche Site Domain

When you’re a beginner you might have the idea to start working on your blog about one particular topic (niche) or maybe about everything. I was also a beginner and I did that too. I didn’t take my time learning what it is all about and what steps to follow to work on a website from the beginning to achieve my goals.

Choose Your Niche Site DomainIf your goals are like mine to work on a website to work from home and to make a full income from it, the best thing you can do is to take your time learning the basics about building up a profitable niche site. It might be different from the idea you might have about blogging and how to monetize your blog, but let me assure you, when you follow the steps some successful bloggers have done and they are willing to share with you, it will save you lots of time and money.

The first thing you need to work on is to find the best name (domain) for your website, so let’s talk about it today.

Why Your Niche Site Domain Is Important?

  • Your own brand – As you work on your niche site you’ll be working to build up your own brand.
  • It will help your niche site to rank better on the internet – When search engines look at your website, your domain will help them to know what your site is about.
  • Your readers will find you sooner – Your niche site needs readers and followers to do better, when anyone is looking for some information on the internet, your domain will help them find you.

What Is A Domain?

A Domain is your website name, it is the URL of your website and this is how to find your website, your website name will help your readers to find you, but you still need to work on hosting your website and build up your website, but today we will talk about what is the best domain for your niche site.

Best Ideas To Get Your Niche Site Domain.

1 – Your Own Name

If you’re looking to build up an online business based on your own person to help others to be better on your niche, you might want to be recognized around the world by your own name.

A good example for websites that works great with a personal name as their domain is those who work as coaches, consulting others in your niche or when you’re recognized already in your niche.

Cons – It won’t help your website to rank better on search engines. If you decide later to sell your website to anyone who is interested on it, this website will keep your own name.

2 – Branding

On this case, you’re thinking about building a business by itself, it will have its own identity and as you work on it, you will get followers that will follow your brand.

We have many good examples on this type of domains on the market:

  • Names are short
  • It’s easy to remember their names
  • These business have an easy to remember logo

Most of these business their owners have worked a lot of time to find what is the mission of their business, helping others to solve a problem or to get better on their niche.

Cons – If you’re just starting on building up your own niche site, you will need to work hard to build it up, so people can easily know what your website is about and how you will help them to improve their lives.

3 – Keywords

If you have been following my website, you might have a good clear idea what are keywords and why your business needs the best keywords.

In short, keywords will help you to write better content for your niche site and they will help your niche site to rank better on search engines (SEO)

When you’re thinking about starting to work on a niche site, it will help to find a good name with the main keyword included.

Some examples of niche sites with domains that include their main keyword:

  • tropicalfish
  • giftsformen
  • giftsforwomen


– When you want to work on a niche, you will have a very clear idea on what niche you will be working with, by adding the main keyword of your niche in your niche site domain, it will be clear for everybody on what niche you’ll be working on.

– Search engines will understand better what is your niche site about and this will help your site to rank better.

– It will help your audience to find you faster and they will follow your site as long as they are interested on this niche.


– You need to take your time to find a niche where you want to work on that is big enough to make enough business with it. A niche that is small and with just a few people on it interested on this niche, then it might be hard to keep working on it for a long time or to build up a strong business.

– You need to find an evergreen niche where you can work on it for a longer time as a business.

4 – A Mix Name For Your Domain

When you take your time to think about which will be the best name for your niche site, you will have time to make a good list of names for your site, this will help you to think on many options and it will help your business to grow well.

Note: If you take a look to my website name is not good and at the time I started this website, I didn’t have the knowledge I have to build up a website, my website’s domain doesn’t help at all to rank better on search engines. Then the question is why I decided to keep working on it? Well I’ve been working on it for a few years and I already managed to write some content on it and I have a good number of followers, so I will keep working on it.

Best Tips To Choose A Niche Site Domain

Are you ready to start working on your new niche site domain, I know this is not an easy task, it might take some time to find the best domain for your new site, but it is worth all the work and time you put on it.

Keep in mind that you’ll be working on your new niche site to build up a business on it, every step you work on it will pay off later.

  • Easy To Remember

Make a list of any ideas that help you find the best domain name, you need to find a name that is easy to remember.

  • Dare To Be Different

Find the name that will help you to stand out the rest of the websites that are currently working on your niche.

  • Share Your Message

Your niche site will have the mission to help anyone who is looking to solve out a problem or to be better on your niche, your niche site domain can also have the message on it.

  • Easy To Understand

It needs to be easy to understand and in many cases easy to understand in different languages, remember your audience is anywhere on this world and they are looking to find you.

Choose The Best Extension For Your Project

Your niche site domain will have two parts, the first part is the name or domain and the second is the extension: .com / .org /

Once you decide which is going to be the extension of your domain, you might want also to buy all the extensions for a domain and this way you will be sure nobody will have a similar domain like yours.

Don’t Make This Mistakes At The Time To Buy Your Niche Site Domain.

Once you buy a domain, you can’t change it, in case something goes wrong, you might need to buy a new domain and start it all over again.

Some of the most mistakes people often do at the time of buying a good domain are these:

Don’t pay attention to grammar mistakes

Be sure to type the right domain at the time of buying it, any grammar mistake will lead to people to not trust on you or on your business.

Funny or Offensive Names

Once you choose a name, write it down all together and read it out loud as many times as you can to be sure it doesn’t sound funny or offensive. Ask also your friends or family members to take a look at it.

Check also if your domain name doesn’t have any offensive meaning in different languages.

Don’t Add Any Characters On Your Domain

Don’t add any character such as: /, +. -, &, or any similar, these characters makes it difficult to read and to remember.

Where To Buy A Niche Site Domain?

There are a few different platforms where you can buy your niche site domain, Namecheap, but as a member of Wealthy Affiliate I buy my niche sites domains there, and today I will share why I keep working with Wealthy Affiliate.

If you have been following me for a while, you might know already I work on my websites with Wealthy Affiliate, you can sign up for free and get the 7 days free course learning how to create and set up your own free website with

After the 7 days free, you will be offered to sign up to premium membership and this membership has many benefits for you to help you to build up your own niche site.

  • Full training to build up a website
  • Bootcamp training learning how to promote Wealthy Affiliate, which can help you to make a full income from it
  • Buy your own domains at Wealthy Affiliate
  • Host your websites for the same price of your Premium or Premium+ membership.
  • 24/7 Support
  • Fridays night webinars
  • Be part of this amazing community.

Why To Start A Niche Site At Wealthy Affiliate?

While there are a few different options available on the internet for you to start a website on different platforms and most of them are good options for anyone who is looking to create a website to work on it, and later to monetize it.

Wealthy Affiliate knows well what are the challenges you will face while you work on your own website or on your own niche site to build up your own online business, for this reason Kyle and Carson, the two owners of Wealthy Affiliate created a platform with all the tools you will need as you work on your website to achieve all your goals as an online entrepreneur.

  • Free training – for beginners who want to take a look to the Wealthy Affiliate platform and this will help you to know if this is what you are looking for to create and build up your own website.
  • Full training (Paid Membership) – Once you decided to become a paid member of this community, you will get access to the full training to build up your own website (s) and learn everything you need about affiliate marketing and how to monetize your website from day 1
  • 24/7 Support – I can say, Wealthy Affiliate is the best support you can get when you work to build up your own website, if anything happens while you work on it, from the smallest problem to the biggest, you will get a support team to take a look to your website in just a few seconds after you deliver a support ticket. (This has happened to me a few times in the last 6 years I’ve been working on my websites, and the support team has helped me to get everything working right again).
  • Best Hosting For A Niche Site – Wealthy Affiliate knows well what are the needs any niche site will have as you work on it, and you can be sure, the platform is built with your needs as affiliate marketer entrepreneur in their minds, so you can focus on creating new content for your website as you can be sure everything will work great.
  • Same Paid Membership Price Always – Whether you decide to get Premium or Premium+ paid membership, you can be sure you get the same quality service always, in case your website starts to get lots of traffic, you don’t need to pay more to be sure the website can stand the traffic.

Note: Premium membership will hold 250,000 monthly visits on your website. While Premium+ will hold 1,000,000 monthly visits on your website.

*This post may share affiliate links, thanks for your support.

How To Create A Niche Site At Wealthy Affiliate?

So let’s take a look on how to create a niche site at Wealthy Affiliate.

In case, you’re are a free member, as soon as you create your free membership account, you will be allowed to enter to the platform and you will need to click on “Websites”

With your free membership, you can create 1 (one) free website, this will let you try the platform and you will get 7 days free online course learning how to create your own website. (

If you decide to become a premium member (paid membership) you can buy your own website domain from day one!

Choose Your Niche Site Domain

Create your own website

With your free membership, you can create 1 (one) free website, this will let you try the platform and you will get 7 days free online course learning how to create your own website. (

If you decide to become a premium member (paid membership) you can buy your own website domain from day one!

Choose Your Niche Site Domain

Buy your own website domain at Wealthy Affiliate

When you decide to buy your own domain at Wealthy Affiliate you will get the option to verify if the domain you want for your website is free or not before you buy it,

All you need to do is to type your desired name for your website and you will get a list of domains available to purchase.

You need to keep in mind, most of the names you might have in your list may be already purchased by other entrepreneurs, you will need to keep adding new ideas until you find a domain free to purchase by you.

For the example I did on the picture below, after I tried a few ideas of a few domains and all of them were already taken, I came up with the idea of a website for Boroboro, this is a Japanese embroidery that many people are talking about on the internet.

I used this idea for this example only, as I know this niche is so small and there are not many tools to work on them as an affiliate marketer and it will be hard to create a 6 figures or more website.

But this idea is good for you to see how Wealthy Affiliate platform works at the time you decide to buy a new domain,

On the picture below, you also can see Wealthy Affiliate also has the option for you to transfer to this platform a domain you already have, so this way you can host it here and keep working on it as you follow the training.

Choose Your Niche Site Domain

Build A Profit Ready Website

After you purchase your own domain, (in case, you’re working with your free website, you will get this step too) you can start working to build up your own niche site.

It takes normally a few seconds or minutes for you to get a notice that your can start working to build up your website.

With your free membership, you can create 1 (one) free website, this will let you try the platform and you will get 7 days free online course to learn how to create your own website. ( If you decide to become a premium member (paid membership) you can buy your own website domain from day one!

Choose a Website Theme

The next step will be to choose your niche site theme so you can start working on it!

Wealthy Affiliate has ready about 1,000 themes for you to choose one for your new website, you might need to try a few themes before you find one that you like to work with.

You can find Generate Press theme here as this is the theme recommended by Jay (our Wealthy Affiliate private coach) and this is the theme I use on this website.

With your free membership, you can create 1 (one) free website, this will let you try the platform and you will get 7 days free online course to learn how to create your own website. ( If you decide to become a premium member (paid membership) you can buy your own website domain from day one!

How to Choose Your Niche Site Domain Closing Thoughts

Choose Your Niche Site DomainYou might be wondering if you can create and work on your own niche site and achieve your dreams and goals of becoming a successful online entrepreneur for a time.

My recommendation is to start working on it, at Wealthy Affiliate you will get all the tools and training that will help you to follow step by step to achieve your dreams and goals.

You will be working for some time hard and smart to see the first success from your website, as this is not a promise of push a button and start making money the first week.

It will require a lot of work from you and time, so your niche site matures and ranks good on search engines, but as you keep working on your own niche site, you might become the next success story of Wealthy Affiliate.

My recommendation is to try it with your free membership, create your free website and try the platform tools, then decide if you want to try the paid membership and keep working on your niche site.

I will welcome you to the amazing community that is always ready to give you a hand and I’ll be there to be your coach too.

You can also read:

  • Niche Site Ideas – Not sure if your idea is good to work on a niche site, take a look here, you might find a good idea to start working on your own website.
  • How To Make Money With A Profitable Niche Site – Not sure how to monetize your blog, here you might find some ideas that will help you to monetize your blog.

4 thoughts on “Choose Your Niche Site Domain”

  1. As a beginner in owning a website, I have been having difficulties in getting a high quality and catchy domain name for my niche site. I have been reading some articles on how to do so, and the article you have here as added more knowledge to the knowledge I have gained from previous articles I have read. I will do my best to work with these ideas you have given. Thanks.

  2. Hey Alex,

    A big thank you for this thorough Job. As a matter of fact I have been stuck at finding a perfect Domain name for my website, I find this article very much helpful, bookmarked it while I get to work right now on getting my Domain name and this whole website thingy done. 

  3. Thank you! This is some great information in finding a niche. It definitely takes some time if you want to be profitable! But it will be well worth it. I am looking for another niche and want to take my time better! You have listed some great ways for me to do this. Thank you for sharing!

  4. This is a very in depth article with a beautifully crafted thumbnail and professional branding which makes it easy to trust.  All the points listed for such a simple task of choosing a domain name are a tad intimidating without a table of contents to make it easy to sort through.  Overall great work!  I can see that this site has a bright future ahead of it!

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