Learn how to create a Profitable Niche Site while you help others to learn a new skill and improve their lifestyle.
Learning how to write a blog to share your best tips and secrets to help many to live better is a new way to work from home and make a full income from it.
Have you been reading about how some bloggers have quit their regular jobs as they are now making a full income from their blogs, and you have been wondering how is this done?
The best way to start your own blog that will help you to quit your regular job and start a new career working from home is with a niche site, and today I will tell you how to start working on your first niche site!
How To Build Up A Profitable Niche site
What Is A Niche Site?
A niche site means you will be talking about one specific topic, and you will be talking to one group of people who are interested in that topic.
By definition, a niche is a specific group of people interested on a topic.
Some bloggers might fail with their blog as they talk about everything. A person who is looking for some information about how to cook a healthy dinner for a small family with young kids, might want to read a blog from a person who knows about nutrition and children’s behavior and will love to learn some tips about how to cook a dinner that have some veggies in the recipe and young kids will love it.
If this person finds a website where there’s a good recipe to try, this person will come back to your website to get more recipes, but if this person sees you only share one recipe and then you talk about how to make money online and the next day you write a post about how to fix a car, your website is not for this mom or dad who is looking for more recipes to make for his/her family.
Why Do You Need A Niche Site?
When you decide to work on a niche, you will know what you will be talking about and it will make it easier for you to think about what your reader wants to read on your website.
An easy way to know more about what niche you would love to work on is to think on what you love to do + skills + solve a particular problem your reader has.
1 – A niche site can grow fast –
Talking about a specific topic will help you to grow your traffic fast, as you keep talking about the same topic, search engines will understand well what is about your website and anytime someone is looking for some information on your niche, search engines will show your website on page one and ranking on the first places and it will help your audience to find your website fast.
2 – When you write a niche site, you can become an expert on your niche –
Anyone who starts writing on one niche, soon will become an expert, and I can talk about my own experience, on my niche site I talk about one of my hobbies on the crafts’ niche, I used to think I knew a lot, but when I started working on this niche site, as I was writing new content for it, I started to learn more about many things related to this niche, today I can talk more openly about different machines to get better results and I can give a better advice to anyone who is starting on this craft niche.
Anyone can learn more about what you love to do, soon as you keep working on your own website you will be learning more about your niche, then you will see it will be easier for you to write a new post and to find better tips and solutions to share with your readers.
3 – It will be easy to create an editorial calendar
When you work on a niche site, soon you will know more about what your target client is currently looking for, this will help you to come up with more ideas for new blog posts to share on your website.
You will be getting more comments on your website from your readers to ask you some questions about how to solve out a particular problem and you will learn more about what your readers want to read on your website.
Working on your niche will help you to have more new ideas to create new content for your website.
4 – A niche site can easily be monetized
When you write and share content on a specific topic, your website traffic will grow steady and soon you will be working to monetize your website.
There are a few ways to start making money with your website:
- Create an e-book to sell your recipes if you write about food
- Add some ads about health if you write about how to be healthier
- Add affiliate links if you’re talking about how to use some tools that will help anyone to be better and get better results on your niche, your readers will love to know what tools you use to get those awesome results you talk about on your website.
New to affiliate marketing? Get the FREE 7 days course at Wealthy Affiliate to create your own free website and start working on your niche site. (I share my affiliate links on this post)
Easy Steps To Choose Your Niche Site
If you’re a new to blogging and you want to do it right from the first day, you will love to know what to do before you create your own website with a blog and start writing content talking about everything.
If you have been blogging for a while, but you see your blog doesn’t get as much traffic as other blogs on your niche have, you might be wondering what you’re not doing right and you will love to know what steps to follow to help your website to get the traffic it needs to make money for you.
Let’s be honest here, many bloggers start their blog with the hope to start making money from it, and that is great, blogging is a new way anyone can start working from home and make a full income from it, and one of the best ways to work on it, it’s with your own niche site.
1 – Let’s take a look to a few things that will help you to start your own profitable niche site.
Every time you visit a website, it’s because you want to learn something, or it’s because you want to be better at something.
Do you have a list of your last searches on Google:
- How to bake a cake
- How to train your new dog by yourself
- Easy steps to fix your jeans
- How to change a tire
The above list can go on and on as you look for more information, same will happen if you ask your friends about the last searches they did on Google, you will notice almost everyone is looking how to solve a particular problem.
Every niche can help many to be better at it or to solve many problems on that niche.
2 – Is there enough people around the world with a specific problem to solve out?
This is a question many bloggers ask to know if they could make enough money from their blogs, but you need to know any blog and any niche can be profitable, you don’t need a blog with millions of visits every day to monetize it, you can make a good amount of money with any blog, even a small blog can start making money for you.
If there’s a group of people looking for some answers in your niche around the world, then you can write content to help them.
3 – Is there enough people who want to pay money to solve this specific problem?
Now, lets talk about if you can really make money on your niche, there are some niches where the information people need to be better at it or to solve out a problem is already there for free, this won’t help you to make the money you need to make a living from your blog.
You need to find a niche where there’s people willing to pay money to learn how to do something or to pay money to get the materials and tools they need to get the results they want to have in that niche (affiliate marketing)
If you have a niche where people are willing to pay you for some e-books or online courses or they will love to buy online the products you recommend on your website, then you have a niche to work on!
4 – Is there some successful websites on this niche already? –
The last point on this list will help you to know if the niche you have on your mind to work on is profitable or not, if there are already some people working on their websites on your niche, and they are making money from it, whether is selling their own info-products or on affiliate marketing, then is a niche where you can work on to make money from it.
A good tip will be to visit some websites on your niche and make a list of them, study these sites and pay attention on how they work on their sites. Don’t copy, learn from them and get inspired by them.
7 Websites Niches That Are Most Profitable
As I mention before, any niche site can be profitable, even you think your niche is too small or too narrow, if you find a group of people interested on getting some tips to be better at it or to solve a particular problem, then you can monetize your website.
Let’s take a look to some niches people are working on, don’t forget to be more successful with your blog, you need to narrow down.
Personal Finances Niche –
As the world is changing so fast this year, many have to stay at home and many are looking for a better way to make money.
If you have some knowledge about how to be good at personal finances or how to make money online, you can help others to start a new career or how to start a personal business from home.
Don’t forget the Money Making niche is saturated as many wants to work on this field, but there is always a room for a new website, just find your own audience and you will do great.
This blog, A Day With Coffee is on this niche, it’s not easy to achieve my goals, but as I work with Wealthy Affiliate, I know I will achieve my goals to make a full income from it, if you get interested to know how Wealthy Affiliate program works, you can create your free account and learn about their affiliate program and how it can help you to make a full income from it.
Health Niche –
More than ever, 2020 has taught everyone how important it is to be healthy and the importance to learn how to stay safe, Many are looking to learn how to stay healthy and live better, if you know about it, you can start your niche site to help many.
- How to eat better
- How to start doing exercise
- How to sleep better
- How to get rid of a sore back
Food Niche –
Learning to cook the food you love at home is also growing on the interest of people around the world, eating habits have changed a lot during this year, and more people are looking to learn to cook new recipes at home.
Are you a chef, or you have passion for cooking, or you have your grandmothers recipes notebook and everyone loves your food? You could be the next cooking start to follow on the internet.
Fitness Niche –
Along to the idea to be healthy, to be fit is on the top of the list for many, nowadays it is important to stay fit, with the idea of gyms being closed often, many are looking to get the best tips online to help them to get fit at home, or to find new ideas to get fit even for beginners.
If you can share some good tips and you know how to do it no matter your readers are beginners or they have big goals about it, you can help them.
Fitness niche is also a saturated niche, but there’s always room for a new one, just narrow it down to find your audience.
- Fitness for beginners
- Fitness for beginners who hate to exercise
- Fitness for moms with young kids at home
- Fitness at home
Security Niche
More and more people are looking for ideas to make their homes safer for them and for their families, there are many ways you can make a home safer, or how to be safer when you go to work or when you travel.
You can share great ideas to help many to be safer during these times, no matter in what country they live.
Beauty and Fashion Niche –
Many will love to have your best tips to help them to look nice for every occasion, are you an expert on beauty and fashion, you could write a website and share your best tips and secrets with your readers.
A good tip will be to narrow this niche down to find your loyal readers, as beauty and fashion is a huge niche and many are already sharing their tips on their websites.
- Hair care
- Face skin care
- Face skin for teen agers
- Face skin tips for mature women
- Face skin tips for babies and young kids
- Clothing tips for babies
- Fashion tips for teen agers
- Fashion tips for young adults
- Fashion tips for mature women
Hobby Niche –
Hobbies is a huge niche where you could be talking about any type of hobby, from knitting, growing your favorite plants at home or how to grow a garden, to anything you love to do, the best tip is to focus on one hobby on your website and narrow it down.
- Knitting
- Knitting for babies
- Knitting Nordic style
- Knitting for teen agers
- Knitting for adults
How To Start Working On Your Niche Site.
If you’re new to blogging and to work on your own website, I will recommend taking the 7 Days FREE course with Wealthy Affiliate to learn how to create your own website in less than 30 seconds and how to set it up to start working on it.
You will be also learning the basic of Keywords that will help you to write your first blog posts.
If you have been blogging for a while and you are here to learn more about how to monetize your niche site, I will recommend to you too to go through the Free training with Wealthy Affiliate, some times a blog that is not doing good, might need a check list to see if everything is on its place, and you will also learn more about keywords and how to write content for your readers.
Final Thoughts.
I’ve been working on my niche site for over a year, and it’s working good and it’s starting to make money for me, when you learn the basics of writing a website for your audience, and when you also learn how to be your own SEO expert, your website and blog will start working as it should be to make money for you as my niche site is doing.
My niche site is still a young site, but I can see the good results on it when you learn with affiliate marketing experts and you get all the training you need.
If you want to get good results from your niche site, I will recommend you to get your free account at Wealthy Affiliate and I’ll be there to welcome you to the amazing community!
You may want to read also:
- 10 Reasons To Start A Niche Site – There are many reasons why you should start your own niche site.
Hello there! Muchas gracias for sharing this very beautiful, well detailed and informative piece of information with us. I am very happy I came across this because you have shown us one big opportunity that I don’t like to miss out from. I read through the article and I think everyone should use this opportunity to create their Profitable Niche Site and start earnng as soon as possible. Off to share this now
Wow! So then this is certainly a great method to make extra money and potentially start an online business! Evidently this works for many people, and I have actually heard of this “Wealthy Affiliate” platform before and I must say, it has a good reputation because I never hear bad things about it. This article has spiked my interest. thank you so much for sharing
Thank you for your post. It is useful for me. I made some nicche sites, but never profitable. Here is the articl which focuses on profitable niche sites.
I am impressed by your description on the best way to start your own blog that will help you to quit your regular job and start a new career working from home with a niche site. It is kind of you are showing us how to reach this goal.
I particularly like your description on 7 websites niches that are most profitable. I copy/paste the 7 niches and will study them in detail. I will pick one or two to build my own niche site.
The finance niche is definitely one of the top categories to get into especially in times of economic uncertainty like now. There are a few groups to target – college graduates, personal investment, and retirement savings – each with its own spectrum of topics, products/services, that readers can benefit from. If you’re going to blog about these topics, you need to make them easy to digest because financial jargons aren’t readily comprehensible to most people.
Guess that’s why most people are good at managing their money!