Make Money With A Travel Blog

When you love to travel you might have the question about how to Make Money With A Travel Blog in your mind for some time, and today I will share some tips about how you can make it happen.

I love to travel and visit different towns in the area where I live, and I also love to visit other provinces but what I love more is to visit other countries and get to know more the cultures of every country.

There’s nothing better to be able to do what you love, and to make an income from it, after all, when you get interested in writing a blog, the best tip you will get is to write about what you love to do.

If you’re here, it’s because you love to travel and you are currently traveling or you want to find the way to start traveling if you get to know how to make enough money to support yourself as you visit other countries.

So let’s take a look at how you can travel, write about it, and make money from it!

What Is A Travel Blogger

A travel blogger is someone who loves to travel and write in a blog about their adventures while traveling.

How To Become A Travel Blogger With No Money

Make Money With A Travel Blog - Woman Looking To a MapThe best tip I can give you is to start today where you are, don’t wait to start traveling or writing a blog until you visit that country you have been dreaming to visit for a long time.

A travel blogger can start right there where you are today, from your house, and from your bedroom, you can start writing your blog telling others what you love about your home town or your home city, many people around the globe might have your town or city on their dream places list to visit one day.

As you start writing about places to visit in your area, or restaurants to try, people will start reading your blog, you can become their best guide they can get to visit your home town.

Gain writing experience as you describe your home town and help others to discover it, as a newcomer here in Canada, it’s easy for me to discover the beauty of my new home town, when I travel to visit my own country (Mexico) I get excited to visit my old home city and I see the beauty of it. In a word I can say I learned how to see any city or town where I see the beauty other people can see because they stay in the same place.

As a travel blogger you can find the beauty other people don’t see in your area and you will help many to visit your town or city and get the best of it.

As your blog grows, you will learn more about how to write a post and how to get more followers.

If you need to get some tips about how to get inspired to write about your own home town, there’s a few successful bloggers who write about their own home towns and cities and they make a lot of money from their blogs.

How Travel Bloggers Make Money

There a few ways to start making some money from your travel blog, let’s take a look to the most used ways by other bloggers and you can get some ideas to start with.

Affiliate Marketing

Make Money With A Travel Blog1 – If you’re starting to blog from zero, and by this it means that you don’t have a huge amount of money to book a plane ticket to travel and to tell others about your traveling adventures, Affiliate Marketing is the easiest way you can start monetizing your own blog.

If you’re new to Affiliate Marketing, I will give you a brief explanation about what it is, as you write new articles about your home town, you can share some things your readers can buy on the internet to help them to make the best of their visit to your home town, when you share an affiliate link on your articles, your readers can click on it to buy what you recommended, as your readers make a purchase, you will get paid a % of the purchase. The bigger your audience is and people get stuff from your affiliate links you will get paid from it.

Some ideas about what products you can recommend on a travel blog using the Affiliate Marketing system?

  • Special walking shoes
  • Sun glasses
  • Any type of clothing people should get before visiting your home town in different seasons
  • Books to know more about places they are interested in visiting: history, museums, weather, fauna.
  • Etc.

Writing Guest Post On Other Blogs

2 – As you get known as an author of a travel post, you will get connected with other bloggers on your niche or on different niches, after reading your articles, they might ask you to write some articles for their blogs.

At the beginning you might need to do this for free, but this will be good for you as you will get known by more people and you might get a link to your blog and this will help your blog to grow faster and bigger.

If you get invited by a few different bloggers to write a guest post for their blogs, you will gain experience and after some time you will get confident enough to put a price for writing a guest post.

How much can you ask to write a guest post? Well, let’s say you will need to start low and as you keep working on it you can raise your prices up to be able to ask from $ 75 up to $100 US, but if you get to be really good at it, your price can even go higher.

Start Your Own YouTube Channel

3 – Another way to start making some money from your love for travel will be to get your own Travel YouTube channel, start growing your followers and when you get enough followers and your videos watched for a few hours, then you can monetize your blog.

How much money can you make this way sharing your travel adventures? You will start making a little at the beginning but as your audience grows, the sky is the limit.

As an example on how you can start making money from your travel blog and from your own home town to get known by many and make enough money to even build a new house and help many in your hometown to have a better life, take a look to…… she is from Ecuador, she blogs in Spanish and she started in her own backyard, but she had something to share to the world, and she is well-known today and she makes a full income sharing her adventures in her own hometown.

Develop Your Own Products

4 – As you get to know more about your hometown or the place you love to visit, it’s time to create your own products to help others to visit that town or city and get the best of it.

Create a travel guide.

You can create your own travel guide to sell it on your blog and make money from it. Think about what people can do in a visit of two days in your town, what about what to do in a week. Help others to make the best of their time when they visit your hometown.

It’s known by many that when you visit a place for the first time, you have no idea about what to do, and most likely you will leave the place without visiting what is most important to visit.

Get creative and write travel guides different from the rest. As I live in Canada, I would love to know what to do during winter.

Make Money With A Travel Blog - Woman Looking To a MapWhat about to write an e-book about how to dress comfy to visit Canada in Winter? or What to expect from your visit to Canada during Summer, these are only two title ideas for you, any place, any city or town can have interesting places to visit and to write a good guide about.

Add Some Ads To Your Blog

5 – As your blog grows and get more traffic to it, you can also add some ads on it, you can get paid every month by the amount of traffic your blog gets.

Sell Your Travel Photographs Online

6 – As you will be working to get some good pictures to share on your blog, you can also start making some money selling your photographs online, you can read more about how to do it here!

It’s Time To Get Your Own Website And Start Your Blogging Adventures

Are you new to blogging or do you have a blog but you want to learn more about how to start making money with a travel blog, I have a 10 FREE lesson online course for you, the same I did when I started my adventures blogging, today I’ve been blogging for over 5 years and I make an income from my blog.

If you want to sign up to learn how to make an income from your blog, I’ll be there to be your coach.

Make Money With A Travel Blog

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