Best International Food Niche Site Ideas

Best International Food Niche Site Ideas will help you to know how to start working from home as you share your recipe’s secrets.

If you love to eat good, you might love to try some new food once in a while, the internet has opened the doors to anyone who loves to try a new dish from different countries.

A few years ago, if you wanted to try a dish from a different country, you might need to book a vacation for a week or two to visit a new country and to try its own cuisine.

Best International Food Niche Site Ideas - TacosThen it was easier for us, new restaurants with dishes from different countries were opening their doors in different cities around the globe, you might have one that you loved to visit, and even one or two new restaurants every week or every month to try a new dish, I’ll be honest with you and I must say I was always looking for new restaurants to try.

As 2020 came up with many changes, the chances to be dining out every single night or twice every week became almost out of the agenda, we learned its better to stay at home and cook something for ourselves and for our family.

In a hurry to learn Affiliate Marketing and start working on your own Niche Site, just click here!

Along with staying at home, it has been tough to see many restaurants closing doors as they face hard times, but as an affiliate marketer I was thinking about the business opportunity here for you and for anyone who is interested to share the secrets of their own country cuisine.

I love to cook at home, but I get bored with the same dish most of the time, even if it is an easy recipe to prepare, you might get bored,

A good solution to this might be a business opportunity for many, create your own website to share with many your best food recipes from your country.

Today its easier to find different cooking ingredients in almost every grocery store, and with it you can almost find all the different ingredients to cook at home.

So let’s take a look to some examples of the most often cuisines people are interested on, you might find a business opportunity here.

Best International Food Niche Site Ideas

1 – Mexican Food

Best International Food Niche Site Ideas

If you’re Mexican you know well how to prepare the real Mexican taco, and you also know there might be hundreds of different recipes to make a taco that everyone will love.

Many people around the world love Mexican food and they might be right now looking for the next recipe to try at home, have you thought to create a website where you can share some good tips that will help anyone who is interested to learn from you how to make tortillas at home or how to make tacos al pastor at home?

Affiliate Marketing Opportunities:

There is a wide list of products people will interested to buy on the internet as they read your website and as they learn how to cook Mexican food:

  • Tortilla press
  • Tortilla keeper
  • Mexican food cook books
  • Mexican food ingredients

2 – Japanese Food

Best International Food Niche Site Ideas

Japanese Food is healthy and easy to prepare, once you try to make your own sushi for dinner at home, you will be invited to try a few more recipes.

If you are Japanese or if you know how to cook different Japanese food recipes, you might want to know if you can make an income as you write content on a website, my guess it can go great, there are people around the world who are interested to learn more about Japanese cuisine and how to prepare different dishes,

Once you learn some about it, soon you will learn Japanese is more than the sushi dish we all have tried, and I must say, Japanese cuisine is so tasty and healthy.

Affiliate Marketing Opportunities

As you share different recipes to learn how to prepare different dishes, you will share with your followers different cooking tools you need, and you might know Japanese cuisines has a good number of different cooking tools to use.

  • Japanese food cooking book
  • Sushi making kit
  • Kitchen cooking frying chopsticks
  • Stainless steel Tempura fryer
  • Tamagoyaki Japanese Omelette pan

Just take a look on Amazon to how many different Japanese cooking tools you can talk about on your website.

3 – Thai Food

Best International Food Niche Site Ideas

If you love to cook Thai food for your friends, you already know why people love it, and I must say its delicious, its healthy and people just love to have some more!

When you’re good at cooking your own country Thai food, you might not be surprised why your friends always ask you to cook for them, you might be happy to know you can share some good tips to anyone who is interested to learn how to make a Chicken Satay or a bowl of Tom Yum Goong, and I’m sure you will have a good list of recipes to share on your website.

Affiliate Marketing Opportunities

  • Thai food cooking book
  • Wok
  • Stainless steel Wok utensil set
  • Stainless steel julienne peeler
  • Thai cooking ingredients
  • And many more cooking tools.

You can take a look on Amazon to see how many different cooking tools you can create content for your website to help your readers to cook Thai food at home.

4 – Argentina Food

Best International Food Niche Site Ideas

If you were born in Argentina, or if you’ve lived there and learned how to cook, you might be wondering if you could share some recipes to people around the world who might be interested to learn from you some secrets and tips to make the best empanadas at home.

Sometimes I get homesick from my Latin American roots and I would love to find a place to get some good empanadas from Argentina to take to have for dinner at home. Hard is to find a place here in Canada to buy a couple of empanadas, so I need to go to the kitchen and make a few for me and my family.

If you love to make empanadas and a good asado (BBQ Argentina Style) then you might want to give it a try and share your recipes and secrets to your followers.

Affiliate Marketing Opportunities

  • Argentina food cooking books
  • Fire Style Grill
  • Stainless steel grill pizza oven

5 – Italian Food

Best International Food Niche Site Ideas

Who doesn’t love a good Italian homemade pizza, I bet you’re good at it and you love to cook for your family and you always get great compliments.

Have you thought about sharing your secrets to help others to make a good pizza at home? Count me in, I would love to learn from you.

I think nobody will get tired of having Italian food, from making a good pizza at home to learn how to make some good groceries or to learn how to bake a real Panetone

Affiliate Marketing Opportunities for An Italian Cooking Website

  • Italian food cooking book
  • Pasta machine
  • Ravioli cutter
  • Food mill
  • Pizza oven stone
  • Pizza peel, aluminum or wooden

You can take a look to Amazon to see different Italian cooking tools you can talk about on your website.

6 – Canadian Food

Best International Food Niche Site Ideas

When you think about Canadian food, you might not get familiar with any dish that might be the sensation around the world, but I can tell you Canada will always surprise you!

Canada is a strong country with amazing people who always give their best, and when we talk about their dishes, it has been a surprise for me to discover a good list of Canadian dishes many people around the world will love to discover and I’m sure they will make them their favorites to cook at home.

To list a few Canadian dishes to try to cook at home:

  • Montreal style smoked meat – you will need a smoker
  • Poutine – you will need a deep fryer
  • Yellow pea soup
  • Nanaimo bars from BC
  • Montreal Hot Dogs
  • And many more recipes to try at home

With a good variety of different recipes with ingredients anyone can have at home already, you might want to start working on your own website to help people around the world to know more about Canadian food and how to make it at home no matter where they live.

Affiliate marketing will give you a hand so you can start to monetize your website and make an income for you as soon as you get a few posts on your website and get some traffic, you will be surprised on how well you can do!

Who Can Write A Food Blog?

You might be wondering if you’re allowed to write a food blog, and the answer is simple, you don’t need to have a Master or PHD degree in cooking to write a blog, if you love cooking and you’re good at it, you can write a food blog.

Let’s put it simpler, even if you’re not good at cooking, but you love to eat and you know where to find the best places to visit for a good meal (when the world is back to normal) you can share your secret places to help others to find the best food to eat there or to take home!

If you were lucky to grow up with a mom or a dad or one of your relatives who is or was a great cook and you learn from them, you might have some good tips and secrets to share with your readers, then you will write about the best tips to help many to start cooking and get compliments about their cooking!

How To Monetize A Food Blog?

There are a few ways to monetize a food blog:

  • Ads – When your website gets a good amount of traffic you can share some ads to start making some money from your website, and if you do it right, food blogs tend to get tons of traffic.
  • Info products – You can write your own publishing cook book sharing your best recipes or sharing some good tips and secrets, you will start making money as your readers buy your book.
  • Online courses – If you love to be in front of a camera, you might want to create your own cooking class to sell it online, work hard once and sell it over and over.
  • YouTube channel – It seems like people love to learn to cook watching videos on YouTube (I follow some channels and I’ve learned a few new recipes, all of them with great results) YouTube food channels looks to be the favorites for many people around the world and get tons of followers and view hours that you will soon making some money from it.

Affiliate Marketing

Best International Food Niche Site Ideas - TacosI left this way to monetize a website apart, as this is a great way to create a passive income that will work great for you.

I need to mention here that affiliate marketing will not work like magic, you need to work hard to learn how to do it and you will need to work hard to create your own website and write content your readers want to read from you.

It will take hard work and time to see your website working great. But its possible to achieve any goal you set up for yourself and for your website.

You can create a website that will start making money for you over and over again when you do the right work on it.

If you still have some questions about if working on a food blog could be or not profitable, you might want to read Which Niches Will be the Most Profitables on 2020 and in the next years.

Where To Learn Affiliate Marketing?

I signed up to Wealthy Affiliate a few years ago, and I created my FREE account, where I learned the basic of Affiliate Marketing and created my first FREE website, after 7 days of the free try on this platform, I was invited to upgrade my account to premium ($49 monthly) which I did, and I started learning to write an affiliate marketing website.

Today, my niche site is working great and it makes an income for me, I still work on it as it has become my work from home job on a niche I love.

If you’re ready to create your own Affiliate Marketing website, and you want to learn how to do it with the same training I did, you can create your own FREE account at Wealthy Affiliate and I’ll welcome you to this amazing community.

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9 thoughts on “Best International Food Niche Site Ideas”

  1. Goof one here. My sister is actually a chef but she is working towards opening her restaurant and also owning a blog to supplement and reach out wider too. Hence, it would be better to share this with her and let her have ideas of what her blog can be on. The ideas shared here are really good and could serve as inspiration. Thanks

  2. Hello there! Thank you for dropping this article on best international food niche site ideas. I’ve gone through it and I must say you did a really commendable job as it is very detailed and contains valuable information. This is a very good platforms as it helps me to work from home and share my recipes secret.  My best food from the ones listed has to be Japanese and Thai. Thank you 

  3. Hi,

    From my online research best international food in the past as been a difficult thing that you need to travel for a vacation if you want a dishes from another country, but now many restaurants are doing the dishes in some countries that you don’t need to take a vacation, in 2020 the pandemic as make everyone to stay at home and do the dishes for themselves.

    Thank you.


  4. Wow! A lot amazing food to select from. I love my local food but also want to try some international dishes. What takes me to most countries at times are their food and culture. In this case Italy. Well, I haven’t given much thought to affiliate marketing, but that by combining my crave for different international food and travelling, I think I would be able to come up with a nice niche.

  5. The great and delicious food is favorite among all, no one on earth could shy away from the fact that they don’t like tasty and great cuisine. The world has got lots of food restaurants. You can always get your food in any place, because lots of individuals in this world are into food’s business. To eat the best and the elegant meals is the desire of any individual. However, we feel a lot worrisome to search for the best cuisine.

    Honestly Italy is the one and only country having the best meal in the world. It’s kinda hard to discuss about Italian food, it’s simple and easy to enjoy it. The real shades of Italian cuisine – green, red and yellow always brings out a wonderful blend of taste and flavor.

  6. Those are some great ideas for a food niche site. You really can build so many things these days but the niche food types you mentioned above are exotic and would make great topics for a niche site.

    Would it be okay to mix some of these cuisines on the same site? Like have an Asian flare site about multiple cuisines like Thai, Japanese, and Chinese?

    I hope that would not be too much for one site.

    • Hi Grace,
      I think it would be better to work on one country food on a site, as it can be a great way to build up a niche site and each international cuisine has a good number of dishes to help anyone interested on it, to create new content to help its readers.

      When you work on a specific country kitchen, you can work on categories like: main dishes, soups, salads, desserts, special events, special dates food. So I would go just with one country food at the time.

    • Thanks Mel, international food is a good idea and when we need to cook at home, it’s always good to have a few website where we can get good recipes to try!

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