Succulents Is A Great Business Idea

When you know how to grow them and how to care for them, many will love to learn from you, and this is what will make of Succulents: A Great Business Idea.

I’ve always loved plants and flowers, but I wasn’t good at growing them, I’m afraid I could say some plants didn’t live long or didn’t grow well at my home, but one day I bought a little succulent plant from the store and with it a learned a lot about how to grow it!

Succulents Is A Great Business Idea - Succulent plantsSoon I bought the second succulent plant and I was amazed how pretty it grew, big and healthy! And before I noticed I could see succulents plants everywhere I go, outdoors at my front yard (it can survive the long and cold Canadian winter!) I can see new types of these plants every time I go to the stores and when I visit my friends at their home. (before the quarantine)

I even got a few new plants when I went to my friends events like weddings or birthday parties as they give small succulent plants as a thank you for a coming gift to everyone who attended the event!

So this made me think about why succulent plants have become a good business idea. If you are like me, someone who has learned how to grow them and your friends ask you for some tips about how to grow them, then you might want to start your own business.

Succulents Are A Good Business Idea

Succulents Is A Great Business Idea

Let’s take a look about why and how you can start your business working from home and growing succulent plants.

Well known by many, plants can become the best friends for many people around the world, whether you don’t like pets or you’re not allowed to have one, plants can be on top of the list as a help to bring joy and companionship to people.

All plants are beautiful and each one of them has its own secrets to achieve success to grow well, you can read my article about how to grow orchids, you need to work a lot to make them bloom and you need to spend a lot of money to buy a new orchid plant. And many other type of plants are the same, they require lots of work to grow them and lots of money to buy a new one.

Succulent plants are different, they are not expensive and they are easy to grow, well let’s say you can even forget about them and they will be always loyal to you and they will keep growing.

Another good reason to grow succulents is that they come in so many types and shapes, and before you notice you will be a huge fan of them and you will own your own collection!

Same happens to anyone who buys or get their first succulent plant. Everyone becomes a fan of them and everyone wants to know more about how to grow them and this is your business opportunity!

Let’s take a look to What Google Says About Growing Succulents

When I look to Google Trends the tendency is growing steady and it might continue like this, this will make of it an evergreen niche for anyone who is interested to start a business.

Succulents Is A Great Business Idea

The trend has been steady during the last 5 years and as you can see it grows every year, so there is an interest to know more about these plants, their different types and the cares you need to give to grow them indoors and outdoors.

Let’s take a look to some keywords

Succulents Is A Great Business Idea

I’m using Jaxxy to get some keywords on Succulents as a keyword search tool and it shows a good number of searches for this keyword, it will bring good traffic to your website.

It also shows some other interesting keywords that will help you to write content on your website to help your readers to know more about these plants and how to grow them.

When I looked on Google, I see there more interest people have to learn about how to grow these plants. This will help you to have a good list of ideas to write content for your website.

Succulents Is A Great Business Idea

Are Succulents A Good Business Idea?

When you love to grow succulents at home, soon you will learn how to care for them and you will find how easy it is to grow them and to propagate them, soon all your family and friends will have some baby plants as you will have many of them at home.

As you keep taking care of your succulent plants the thought of starting a business about them will come to your mind, so let’s take a look about some ideas that might help you to give it a try.

Succulents Is A Great Business Idea

1 – How To Sell Succulent Plants

Propagate succulent plants is easier than what you might think, and before you notice, you might have many new baby plants around your home.

Your first thought might be giving away these new plants to your family and friends, soon they all will have many that they won’t want anymore!

A good way to start selling new baby plants is to let your friends and family know that you are willing to sell them in a beautiful small pot and it can be used as a “thank you gift” to people who attend to an event like a birthday party or a wedding.

You also can design and make some small cards to add to each plant where your customer can write a thank you note, but you can print your business name and how to contact you on the back of each card. This way you will get more orders to help your business to grow.

2 – How To Sell Succulent Plants Online

Some people are selling new baby plants online and it seems they get some orders and their business is growing well, you can always start an Etsy store and share some photos of your plants, people who are interested to get some will order some from your store.

You need to take time to think about getting the right mailing packaging for your plants, and you need to stop at the mail post in your area to know if mailing live plants is allowed in your country and in your area.

You also need to look at some other shipping alternatives.

These two business ideas above will require you to think about having enough room in your place to propagate the plants and keep them for some time as they grow and they get big enough to be sold. You will need to invest some money to buy flower pots and on the shipping.

So let’s take a look about other ways to make money online where you might do better.

3 – Start Your Own Succulent Plants YouTube Channel

People love succulents but not all know how to take care for them, they will love to get some tips from an expert or from someone who has learned how to grow them well and who knows some or a lot about them.

You can start your own YouTube channel to share some tips about how to care for the succulent plants and about different types. As people follow you, your audience will grow well and soon you can monetize your channel and you can make some money from it.

You can take a look to some YouTube channels and you might be amazed about how many people are interested to learn more about these beautiful plants.

4 – Create Your Own Website

Succulents Is A Great Business Idea - Succulent plantsHave you thought about writing your own blog to share some tips about how you grow your succulents?

Some people are already working on it and they have a huge audience, and there’s always an opportunity for more people to share some good tips and good advice about these plants.

You can create your website today and start writing content for your blog, don’t worry if at the beginning you have a few readers, as you learn how to write new content with the right keywords and SEO you will see how well your audience will grow and your website will get enough traffic to monetize it.

Now let’s take a look on how you can monetize your website:

  • As your website gets more traffic you can add some ads.
  • Write an E-book about the best tips to grow succulents – You can start selling your own info products to make money from your website, you might want to get on a paper some ideas about different e-books.
  • Get some sponsorship – As your website grows, you might get noticed by people in this industry and they will offer you some products to help anyone who is interested to grow succulents with better results, so you can write some new content for your blog talking about these products, you might start asking a low price, but as your website grows in traffic, the price can grow into an interesting number.
  • Create and sell some products – If you’re good at photography or if someone in your family or a good friend of yours is good at it, you can take some good pictures of your plants and create some products to sell online as T-shirts, cards, prints or other.

5 – Create Your Own Affiliate Website

I left this for the end this business opportunity as I can talk more about it, you might be new to affiliate marketing, but this is a good way to start working on an online business as a beginner.

Affiliate Marketing is the way you can start making money with a website by creating new content for your blog sharing some tips about some products people can buy online to help them to get better results as they grow their own succulent plants.

  • Books
  • Flower pots
  • Fertilizes
  • Soil
  • Gardening tools
  • Flower pots stands
  • New plants
  • Many more articles that will help many to get better results.

As you create a new article to share on your blog talking about some flower pots that are for succulents, you can talk about the benefits of growing your plants in them, people might not know succulents need a special flower pots and they will love why and where to get them.

Help them find the right tools and pots to grow their succulents, and make life easier for them as they can order everything they need online, you will get a small % from each purchase and your client doesn’t need to pay any extra money for it. It’s a win win for everyone!

As you work on your website to create new content, you will see how you get more sales when people make a purchase using your affiliate links, soon you will have a steady income.

Note: Creating an affiliate marketing website requires lots of work, time and money at the beginning, you need to be willing to work on it without making any money, as you learn how to work with the best Keywords for your website and you learn about SEO you will see your website grow well, it might take one or two years before you see some steady income from it.

Affiliate Marketing website is a way many are working to create an asset and an online business to make a steady income from it! I started a few years ago, and I’m glad I did it, today my website is doing good!

Succulents Is A Great Business Idea

Am I Late To Start An Affiliate Marketing Website?

You might ask yourself if you’re late to start your own affiliate marketing website as many are already working on theirs and they started a few years ago.

There’s always room for anyone who is interested to start today, you can share your own good tips and advice and you will share new articles for anyone who is interested to learn for you on this niche.

There’s also a way to grow your website well and before you notice your website will be ranking good on page 1 on Google and will be side to side along with the big websites on this niche!

Where You Can Learn Affiliate Marketing?

The best platform to learn all you need about affiliate marketing is the same platform I use, Wealthy Affiliate, you can create your own FREE account and you can take a look for 7 days to learn how it works, you also will get 10 FREE online lessons to create your own FREE website.

If you decide to give it a try, I’ll be happy to welcome you to the amazing community and I will help you to create your own free website.

I’ll see you there!

If you love to do gardening and grow plants, you will love to read also:

6 thoughts on “Succulents Is A Great Business Idea”

    • Hi Mel,
      I love to grow plants at home and one for the best thing about succulents is how strong they are and how little work they require to be in good shape, this make them the favorite of many people!


  1. I really love all the ways you can make money by building a business from succulents! Is it easier to do build this business using affiliate marketing instead of like selling actual succulents?

    • Hi Grace,
      I think it will be easier for people who is interested to build their own online business and who love to grow succulents to start working with affiliate marketing, as they don’t need to grow many plants to sell, and they don’t need to have a place where to sell any plants, they can start working by sharing some good tips to help others to get good results with the plants they have at home.
      People can share what flower pots they use and how these flower pots are good to grow succulents, share also some good tips about succulent’s food and soil and how to grow them during winter.
      There are also many different types of succulents people would love to know more about them, and this makes of this niche a good niche to make money without the need to grow many plants or to have a greenhouse to grow them, people can start without the need to put lots of money on this business.
      This is why affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to star a home based business.

  2. You have a lot of great ideas coming from a topic, Succulent Plants, that I would never have even though of, that’s amazing. I’ll have to look into your orchid article because mine aren’t doing so well.
    The one good thing is that they are very inexpensive to buy here in Germany.
    Speaking of orchids, I think I got ripped off. I bought a beautiful blue orchid. But, after it lost its flowers and then bloomed again they were all white! Was I dooped or what?

    • Hi Les
      Thanks so much for visiting my blog today and share your love for orchids with me, I didn’t know much about how to grow orchids when I got my first one, a phal, I almost kill it, but thanks to people who write on the internet to share their best tips to help others to grow orchids the right way, I’ve learned enough to keep my orchids in good shape and blooming once every year which I enjoy a lot.
      About blue orchids, it’s well shared on online groups for people interested on growing orchids, growers put some dye on the water to make orchids to bloom blue flowers, that’s cheating and it’s not good, there’s no blue orchids but there’s some orchids that blooms black flowers and they are expensive and very appreciated by people who love to grow orchids.
      It’s good to know we share same love for growing orchids, I live in Canada, and it has been a challenge for me to learn more about how to do it, but I’m learning.
      Take care and have a great day

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