Creative Memories MLM Review

When you love to use printed paper, ink, stickers and cutting tools to create beautiful layouts for your Memories Albums, you might wonder if there’s a way for you to make money from your hobby, selling these products might look like a good idea, and you might be invited to join Creative Memories to sell their products with your friends and family to start your own business, but you want to know more about whether this is a good idea, so let’s take a look to my Creative Memories MLM Review.

Creative Memories MLM Review - Scrapbooking PaperScrapbooking and homemade cards is a huge niche where people create beautiful layouts and pages to keep memories of the good moments spent with their family and friends. There’s a good amount of money in this niche and there might be a good opportunity for you to start your own business in this niche.

I want to congratulate you, as you might have the invitation to join Creative Memories and sell their products, but you want to know more about this business opportunity.

In one hand you might have to join this company, while in the other hand you have the question if you should create your own business on this niche, I will share with you the pros and cons of joining this company, and at the end of the article I will tell you about a better opportunity to start your own business.

Company Overview

Company Name: Creative Memories


Price to join: $49

Scam or Legit: Legit

Recommended: No!

What is Creative Memories?

This company markets products for the scrap booking niche, helping their clients to work to create the most beautiful layouts and designs to share their family memories.

It has been a few years in the market as it was one of the first companies to come up with products on the arts and crafts niche with the MLM business model, giving their consultants a privileged edge as the brand is well know and they come up with innovative products to help their clients to have better results from their work.

For anyone who is looking to work in the arts and crafts niche, the possibility to join this company to become a consultant is great as this niche is huge and it has been growing more and more each year, as you might well know, people around the globe are so creative and they love to make their own stuff.

This company has been in the market for many years, but has been through a few changes of leadership and direction, but it has managed to stay in the market and their products continue to be popular.

Is Creative Memories Products Worth The Price?

Creative Memories products are high quality and this company markets their products on a low price, which it helps you to get many sales from people interested to make a purchase from you.

The company has a good selection of products in the market to help people interested to create beautiful memories albums. Your clients will love to know about new products and new tips to use them.

Creative Memories MLM Review

Creative Memories Business Opportunities

As any other MLM company, Creative Memories offers to their consultants two ways to make money promoting their products: direct sales of their products and built a consultants team.

The products this company markets are well know by people interested to create beautiful memories layouts for their scrap booking hobby or to create beautiful and unique cards to give to their friends or family members on special occasions.

Their products are innovative and will help anyone interested on this activity as they offer different products to get better results: decorative paper, inks, cutting different systems, stickers and many more products for this craft.

Creative Memories focus on offering their clients good and unique products at a very good price point. This low price will encourage people to make a purchase and get new tools and products to help them to keep working on this craft, what is good for you if you decide to become a consultant, your clients will come back to you to make new purchases.

There are some products that have a higher price, but when you look at them most are tools that the client will use it over and over and these tools are well appreciated by the clients as they get better results when they use them.

There will be not be a hard time to find good reviews from the products on the internet, as their clients looks to be happy with the quality of the products and the new designs.

Build Up Your Own Team Of Consultant

It’s well know on the MLM industry that the second way to make money with this business model is by building up your own team of consultants, and this company is not the exception to the rule.

You can invite people interested to join your team to become the new consultant in the company, the good news is Creative Memories current compensation plan is easy to follow and it won’t be hard for you to rank better to get a higher commission.

This company also makes it easy for their consultant to stay active by not asking for a minimum purchase monthly or every quarter, it asks their members to pay a yearly fee of $49 to stay active, which is not bad at all.

This compensation plan is not hard to follow and it will help you to stay in the company, but one thing you need to pay attention to is the sales compensation is low when you join to the company, as it’s only the 10 % what you get from your sales.

It will be a hard start for your business, when you need to sell as many products as you can every month, when most of the products price is around $10 and you will start making only the 10% from your personal sales.

Creative Memories Pros

  • The company has a good reputation, it has been in the market for many years and their clients find their products have a good quality and are unique.
  • This company works in a very lucrative niche, where it is easy to find people interested to buy this type of products.
  • The company structure works great, and you don’t need to focus on building a big team to get a better commissions on your sales.

Creative Memories Cons

  • Scrapbooking fans can find good quality and good prices anywhere, which will make for you hard to build a good client list that are willing to buy from you over and over again.
  • Market might be saturated with many different offers from more companies working on the same niche.
  • As this company is not new in the market, you might find there’s a huge competition for you, it will be hard for you to start selling their products.
  • As this is a MLM company, even if you start making good amount of sales, the business is not yours, it’s theirs!

Is Creative Memories A Scam?

Creative Memories MLM Review - Scrapbooking PaperCreative Memories is a Legit company, it’s not a scam, however this is a MLM company and you will be selling your products with friends and family as a starting point, then you can build your own list of clients to get more sales, but you’ll be earning just a % from your sales.

Tired of selling to your family and friends, and wanting to find a better business idea?

A better option for you might be to create your own website and share your scrapbooking and cards making tips and ideas, you can read How To Make Money With Scrapbooking here!

Final Thoughts

When you love crafts and you have many tips and ideas to share with others, a better business idea is to create your own website to help as many as you can by sharing your tips and ideas to create the most beautiful scrap booking layouts and cards.

There are tons of great products to talk about, not only the products from one company!

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3 thoughts on “Creative Memories MLM Review”

  1. Interesting review you have up here and I truly appreciate you for the review of this creative memories. To be honest, in the way you have presented this guide, I can only say that I have truly appreciate the way you have presented this mlm. I have bad expereineces with mlm before and seeing this here only validates my decisions not to get involved again. Thanks for this though

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