Reasons To Add Images To Your Niche Site

Inspire your readers and get more traffic to your website are two good Reasons To Add Images To Your Niche Site

Reasons To Add Images To Your Niche SiteAs you start working on your website or on your niche site, you will need to get the best images to add on each blog post, from helping your readers to find a solution to a particular problem or to share some steps to follow to do better at something on your niche.

Images always help us to create the atmosphere in the articles we write to share on our blogs, it will help you to write any new post for your website as you share some images on your new content.

Reasons To Add Images To Your Niche Site

1 – Visually Appealing

People use the internet to find a solution, and one image can help them to get the image of what they are just looking for.

Picture in your mind, you’re reading about looking for a solution to a particular problem, let’s say baking a chocolate cake, and you share a good picture of a chocolate cake, most likely this reader will click on that image to get the recipe. The same will happen on your niche. Take time to get the best pictures you can to share them on your blog posts.

2 – Image Search Engine Traffic

Images will also rank on Search Engines and they will help your blog to get more traffic. But you will need to add a good image title and image description.

You might see many images on the internet in which the title and description goes like this: image jpg, or slsidkd.jpg, what is wrong with titles and descriptions like these, is the lack of any keyword on those images, and this will lead to nobody will know what these images are and where they can find more information about those images.

It’s always good to take your time to add a title and a good description to each image you share on your website, and a good point to work with is each blog post keyword.

3 – Social Media Shares

When you share one, two or more images on your blog posts, you are helping your readers to share your blog on their Social Media.
Nothing easier to help you to grow your website, than a good image shared a few… well let’s say many times on Social Media, your website will get known by many as they share images from your posts.

4 – Make Your Blog Post More Readable

When you add images to your blog posts, each post will look longer and it will help your reader to take a break to look at the image and it will help the reader to get a better idea about what your post is about.

“An image is worth a thousand words”

As many people are visual people, me among them; having an image in a text helps to get a better idea about the topic and an image also can help you to make a better description to the topic on your article.

When you’re writing a short article, adding a good image will help the article to look much better.

5 – Make Your Blog More Descriptive

When you remember how you liked to read those children books when amazing illustrations, you might remember how by looking at the illustrations you could get the whole story or what was going to happen in the next page you were reading.

Same happens in any book or magazine, a good image can tell you a whole story about the article and it can help you to share any emotion on your post.

Try to write a good article for your blog with any image on it, and most of the readers will quit reading after the second paragraph.

By adding good images on your blog post, you’re helping your reader to know what is the post about and you’re helping them to get the whole story on it.

Reasons To Add Images To Your Niche Site

Can You Share Any Image You Find On The Internet?

No, you can not share any image you find on the Internet, just because it was the image you were looking for or just because it is pretty!

Every image you find on the internet has their owners rights and in case you take one to share on your website, you are likely violating someone’s rights.

It will be better if you share your own images, even if they are not good enough but they are yours and your readers will know you’re working hard to share good content on your own.

Another alternative is to get images from free images to use on the internet, from platforms created to share some free images like Pixabay or Unplash

How To Get Pretty Image For Your Website?

I’m not good at photography, and you might be like me, every time I try to get a good photo, everything goes bad!

But if you want to create your own website to make a living from it, then you need to work as if you were working on your own business, and let me add, working on a website is the same as working on your own business, you need to put time, work and money on it.

To get the best images for your website you will need to work on it.

  • Buy the images you want to share on your website from any of the well-known platforms with quality images on the internet.
  • Hire a good photographer
  • Learn how to do it.

How To Learn How To Get The Images For Your Own Website.

As I told you before, I’m not good at all at photography, but I’m interested to create the best images for my website and for my niche site, and the only solution is to learn how to do it.

You can start by watching a video on YouTube and you will learn a lot, as most videos are for free, you will have no other problem than to spend some time taking photographs over and over until you improve the quality of your images.

Buy Some Online Photography Courses

There are a good selection of online photography courses where you can choose the one you’re interested in, from how to use your digital camera to how to snap a good picture on your cell phone.

Some online courses are very accessible on price and you will learn some good tips that will help you to improve the quality of your website images.

Reasons To Add Images To Your Blog Closing Thoughts

Reasons To Add Images To Your Niche SiteWhen you decide to create and build up a website or a niche site to make a living from it, working from home, you will need to use a few different hats.

Learning to take good photographs for your website images is a task you need to have on top of your list, as sharing good quality images on your post will help you to get more readers and get more Social Media shares.

Start where you are, test, test and test, you always can edit any blog post and test different images until you get the ones that speak to your audience!

Sharing good images on your website will help you to grow your online business!

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Are You Interested To Create And Build Up Your Own Niche Site?

You can get the 7 days FREE training to create your first free niche site and learn about affiliate marketing at Wealthy Affiliate, I’ve been a member of this amazing community for the last years, and today I have a niche site that is working great and I’m making an income from it!




2 thoughts on “Reasons To Add Images To Your Niche Site”

  1. Thank you so much for sharing such an informative post on how to improve my niche site. I agree, I think the relevant images can help the audience understand the content better, we do sometimes drift off when we read, when we add an image the reader will get a better picture of what we are talking about.

    I never thought about social media context, but that is right. Images can be useful for that purpose. I am getting some images from pixabay and sometimes just whatever that canva gave to me for free and that works out fine. 

  2. Hello; Reasons to add images to your Niche Site: I do believe in placing images at a strategic point in my site content One, it brings life to the scene. Two it creates an ambience for the reading to flow.

     But whether you collect free images or buy those from pictures sellers images do make your blog stand out to the readers than plain text posts. 

    However, the images that are taken by you are the best for any blog. Reason being, they are fresh and are not likely to be seen anywhere else.


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